Chapter 2

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The brisk walk to the Liyue Qinxing did not help to alleviate the stress of the day, the humidity clinging to Y/N's skin, seemingly weighing them down even more. Even the ever stoic Zhongli seemed to be affected by the hot weather.

Y/N and Zhongli walked side by side up the polished marble steps to the Liyue Qinxing. A short woman with a stern face and her hair tightly drawn back into a bun approached the two.

"State your name and business," the woman practically spat. Somehow the woman said this in the most hostile manner possible, for what was supposedly a professional setting, not even bothering to put on the glasses she held in her hands.

Ever so subtly, Zhongli defensively stood in front of Y/N, almost shielding them from the woman's harsh tone.

"I am Zhongli, and this is my assistant Y/N. We are here on business from the Wangsheng Funeral parlor on the matter of Mr. Daoming's unfortunate death. We request an audience with Lady Ninguang," He stated diplomatically with a slight edge to his tone, one only Y/N could identify. It was much more harsh than the one of a businessman with a friendly smile... or maybe it was a figment of Y/N's imagination.

"Ah- Mr. Zhongli! Why didn't you say so? Right this way-" She stuttered, frantically trying to save face from her lapse in social formalities. She quickly put on her glasses and led them to the elevation point for the Jade chamber. She hastily made friendly conversation all the while, until finally the elevator began to ascend.

The way up was strangely peaceful. Y/N had never been on a trip up there themself, only hearing stories of it from their colleagues. The higher altitude allowed for a nice break from the heat.

When the elevator reached its destination, Zhongli was the first to step off the platform. He offered a hand to Y/N, helping them onto the hovering landscape of the Jade Chamber.

"Ever the gentleman," Y/N chuckled.

"You are my valued assistant Y/N," Zhongli said with a smile. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but Zhongli's eyes seemed to almost glow that rich shade of honeyed gold. "I could never treat you anything less than the best."

Y/N quickly averted their eyes, slightly flustered by his flattery- but before they could become too flushed, a heavenly voice entered their ears.

"Greetings, I have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. Daoming's death is no minor loss."

The woman who had spoken was Ningguang. there was simply no possible way that it wasn't. Her grace, her poise, the way she held herself... It was the epitome of elegance; she was regal in every way. White hair curtained behind her, a portion of it pulled back into a bun, ornate pins decorating her hair. Both her white dress and golden pipe were covered in intricate designs, no doubt made of materials costing thousands of Mora. Her Crimson eyes shined with intelligence, seemingly beyond what can be imagined.

"But of course, we spared no expense, coming here as fast as possible... However, there was a slight delay in our travels. It seems a member of the Liyue Qinxing was not informed of the urgency of our arrival," Zhongli almost sighed as he said this, his jaw tensing and teeth grinding against each other. "In fact, they treated my assistant rather impolitely."

"Oh it was trivial, nothing to worry about! On the topic of Daoming-" Y/N began to speak but was interrupted.

"Do you remember exactly what this secretary looked like, Mr. Zhongli," Lady Ningguang inquired icily, taking a long drag from the pipe.

"She was a young woman, light brown hair worn in a tight bun. Glasses," Zhongli practically growled. "That she didn't bother to wear."

"The matter will be dealt with swiftly, rest assured. Now if we are done with this matter, please follow me." Lady Ningguang turned on her heel and strode into the Jade Chamber.

Zhongli started to follow, but Y/N stopped him, tugging on his sleeve.

"May I speak with you for a moment, Mr. Zhongli?" Y/N inquired, a slight tremble in their voice.

Zhongli paused, arching his brow in confusion before relenting. "Is something the matter? Please drop the formalities with me, no need for official titles."

"You seem to be... tense today Mr.- I mean, Zhongli," Y/N hesitantly spoke. "Are you alright?"

Zhongli, in response, purposely took a moment to pause, taking a deep breath and releasing the tension in his body. "Apologies Y/N, nothing's the matter. Today is simply too hot for this kind of business. Now... shall we be going? We wouldn't want to keep Lady Ningguang waiting on a day such as today."

With that, Zhongli put a hand on the small of Y/N's back, guiding them to the entrance of the Jade chamber.

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