Chapter 5

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It had been an exhausting journey, but the destination was worth every second of it. Zhongli's home was in Jueyun Karst, also home of the Adepti, but Zhongli had explained that his living there was accepted. The terrain was difficult to navigate, Zhongli often having to offer support. The last most grueling part was the stone stair ascending along the cliff. The sheer height of it was intimidating, but Zhongli always made sure to walk protectively near them, making sure they didn't get close to the edge.

As they finally reached his residence, the view before them was enchanting. A sunset casting it's warm colors on a sea of clouds and the mountains below them. The sight took their breath away and Zhongli gazed at them with a smile.

He gently took their hand and led them to the entrance of his home, which was carved into the side of a large mountain. Much like the Jade Chamber, the interior was lavish and expensive; fitting for a man like Zhongli.

The home was made up of the smooth stone walls from the mountain, but also had portions of core lapis, and gems decorating the walls. All the furniture was finely crafted; several plush chairs, cushions made of silk, and shelves that seemed to be carved from oak. There were so many beautiful trinkets in his home it felt almost overwhelming, the most ordinary of objects still being highly valuable.

He led Y/N to a large couch. Upon sitting down, they found it to be as soft as the clouds that frame the sky.

While Y/N was still taking in the new environment, Zhongli let out a chuckle. They looked at him in confusion.

"Apologies, you just look adorable," his golden eyes wrinkled at the sides, his bright pupils...narrowing? Now that they looked closer at his eyes, his pupils seemed... different than usual, almost animalistic and completely focused on them.

"Uh- Zhongli-" but before Y/N could finish, Zhongli interrupted. "Excuse me, I will go pour us some wine."

Y/N began to feel a bit nervous. Was it just a trick of the light? They couldn't help but feel their hair stand on end, as if they were a mouse in the den of a lion. While this did make them anxious, a part of them began to feel a sense of anticipation growing steadily, curling like a tight spring in their stomach.

"Here we are," Zhongli spoke as he lowered the chilled wine onto the table and took a seat.

Y/N picked up their glass and slowly took a sip. It was the most delicious wine they'd ever had in their life.

"Not many enjoy osmanthus wine as they once did, nor do they know how to properly brew it," his disappointment seeped through his tone, but quickly faded into a smile when he turned to the person beside him. "Fortunately for you, however, I do."

"It's delicious," Y/N licked their lips as they spoke, Zhongli's eyes following the movement, almost hungrily.

"I know a great many things-" he paused and locked eyes with them, his pupils even more animalistic than before. His eyes were practically glowing with anticipation. "But... I am eager to learn more."

The tension in the room was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

Zhongli grew even closer leaning over them, his appetite and intensity never fading. No matter how close he was, he still left room for Y/N to move, to leave, to push him away... Y/N wanted him to close that gap.

"May I touch you..?" He questioned lowly, never once taking his eyes off them.

"Yes...please," Y/N said softly, almost begging.

Zhongli didn't hesitate as his lips crashed into theirs, knocking the breath out of their lungs. He deepened the kiss as his hands made its way around their waist and in their hair, pulling it lightly near the roots, causing Y/N to let out a low moan. It was rough yet passionate, his teeth gliding over their lips on occasion.

When they finally broke apart for air, Zhongli noticeably paused, moving away from them and stilling himself.

"Y/N if we continue this, I will not be able to hold myself back. I am... not quite myself today," he kept himself in place, eyes still locked on them as if they would disappear when he looked away. "I need to know if you would like to continue."

Y/N weighed their options as quickly as they could, feeling desperate for more of his touch. Before they continued they needed to know.

"Zhongli...are you human?"

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