A weird interaction

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Tanjiro POV
I woke up in morning to loud commotion. It was our birds telling us to prepare for our next mission

"CAW CAW tanjiro and company are to head to natagumo mountain. A large amount of demon slayers have gone missing, leave immediately. CAW CAW."

I got out of bed and stretched my muscles. I woke up inosuke and Zenitsu arguing and was nearly punched right in the face

"Come on montojo, let's fight. Right now!"

I ignored him and went to open the door to orochi, and nezuko's room before stopping.

My nose had an inert sense of smell, and could pick up anything. I had smelled all sorts of things, from cats to dogs, birds, to snow, I knew it all.

But the oder coming from their room was different. It was as if orochi and nezuko had mixed their seats together, and..........

It clicked............

I was embarrassed beyond all belief. "They...they....they were so quiet? How. I had learned to wake up to the slightest change scent on the air, and the managed to have sex without me knowing.

I didn't know how to feel. I was so confused about it.

I threw the door wide open, exposing an interesting scene. A futon had been ripped to shreds, and orochi and nezuko were lying together in the same futon.

My sister is too little to be doing anything li........

She wasn't. She was 18 years old.

But even still sex at 18 is not acceptable, how might mother react to this. How might someone react to a person that they considered their brother, and their sister had sex. How might they react.

Think about it tanjiro.

How should you talk to them.


"Hey tanjiro, going out again today to train?" Nezuko said

"Yeah, ever since father passed away, I've been so occupied with the every, that it's been a while since I've trained." I said

"Ok tanjiro, have fun!" Nezuko said

I began my training, when I heard a yelp. It was nezuko

I ran to where I heard the yelp and saw nezuko on the ground.

I ran to her and held her in my arms, she was buring up.

"HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Orochi came around the corner, and sprinted to me the second he saw what was happening.


"I dont know, she was fine, then she was fell. I think she is very sick feel her forehead." I said

His eyes widened at the feeling of the her forehead.

He picked her up and ran with me the house. He was no where near as quick as me. I had been able to use total concentration breathing since I was very young.

When we got back to the house I ran for a doctor.

He said she had something called cancer. It was a terrible disease that only has one cure, but it's incredibly hard to find.

The flower doesn't even have a name. Only one person ever found it, and used it on his son, and he died before it even it worked.

Orochi stood outside the house and said "what does the flower look like?"

"It's pink and black with orange tips." The doctor said.

"I'll return, tanjiro keep her healthy for me." Orochi said.

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