A new type of hell

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Orochi POV

I stood in the ubuyashiki estate with all the other hashira, including Shinobu, Daki, and Nezuko. The other hashira stared at Shinobu in awe. She looked at all of them and put her hands togther and giggled. 

"Don't worry! I am not a bloodthirsty demon like the other demons." 

I looked at the ground and felt the glare of a few hashira on my face.

"Don't worry! It wasn't orochi's fault either. It was my discion." She said putting her finger up.

The other hashira looked back at me, and looked forward.

"Master is here." One of the girls said.

Kayaga entered the room, and sat down infront of us. Everyone in the room bowed down to him.....except me. Though I saw him as the master, I hated bowing to anyone because it reminded me of the time I was under muzans control.

The other hashira coughed to get me to bow down, but I just looked forward. Shinobu took her demon strength, and forced me on to the floor.

I coughed because of the force of impact. A drop of blood fell from my mouth, and onto the floor. 

The meeting had begun, everyone stood on one knee and took turns proposing plans.

"I think we should delay the fight until the sun rises, and then keep muzan there, using our demon marks." Kyojuro said.

"I think we should use a poison to hinder his abilities, then do as Kyojuro said" Shinobu said.

As the other hashira added plans onto their ideas, shinobu began to shake. She began to scratch her arm, and neck like she was in pain.

I leaned over and asked her what was wrong. She looked directly at me, and started to pant, and druel.

I knew what was wrong, and looked at the other hashira, and stood up.

"I need to be excused please." i said helping shinobu walk out into the other room.

She stepped into the other room, and tore off my kimono, and bit my shoulder. I winced at the pain, and laughed.

I picked her up and walked outside to find a better place for us to be in private. As I stepped outside, I saw the two ubuyashiki girls. They looked at me and gasped. I assured them that everything was ok, and that she was just hungry.

They said ok, and just kept doing what they were doing.

I jumped to the roof of the ubuyashiki estate, and let her eat.

After a few minutes, she stopped bitting my shoulder.

"So...sorry." She said wiping the blood off of her mouth.

I chuckled and patted her head, saying it was ok.

I regenerated my kimono as it was a part of my body, and went back inside.

The hashira did not pay attention to my arrival.

"Then it's settled. We will inlist the help of Tamayo, and use Orochi as bait for muzan to land a connected series of attacks to delay her until sunrise. I do not expect us to be alone, the other upper moons have still been under muzans control. So we must attack them while other deal with muzan." Kyojuro said.

Though I didn't like the idea of me being bait, I still had to accept it.

As we kept talking, I felt a presence coming from outside. It was a demons presence, but also human.

I stood up, and dashed outside.

It was Tamayo, and Yushiro. My smile became hug as nezuko came out of my body <like gyutaro and daki> and we both over to them giving them hugs.

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