Ghosts Don't Hold Grudges, But They Do Know How To Preach

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Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but Chanyeol had a good feeling that he and Baekhyun were on good terms after apologizing to him. He hadn't brought up anything about his death since and the ghost seemed to appreciate it, in turn keeping the volume down when Chanyeol was working or sleeping. In celebration, he decided to go over to Mr. Kim's house to tell him about it.

His neighbor was up on a ladder, hanging paper Jack-O-Lanterns along the roof when Chanyeol stepped onto the lawn. "Good morning, Mr. Kim."

The old man glanced over his shoulder, but couldn't move around much while so high up in the air. Instead of waving, he nodded. "What can I do for you today, Chanyeol?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to update you on Baekhyun." He made himself comfortable in the rocking chair and kicked his feet up on the porch railing. "So, he had a little freak out last night, and I'm sure you heard all the ruckus."

"Oh? So, that's what all that noise was?" He chuckled.

"Yeah. Anyway, I decided to try and be nice to Baekhyun since he was distraught and I apologized for upsetting him, so he's been kind of nice to me in return."

"Well, that's good to hear."

"You know," He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I thought about what you said - how we should be respectful to ghosts and all. I kind of feel bad for pestering him about his death, but at the same time I want to get him justice."

"Justice?" The hand holding a hammer stalled. Mr. Kim looked down at the porch with his brows furrowed.

"Yeah. I'm convinced he was murdered, and it's sad to think he had his life stripped away at such a young age. I need to know who killed him, but I can't keep asking him about it."

"How do you know he was murdered?" Mr. Kim asked in a low voice. He hadn't resumed hammering yet.

"Me and Kyungsoo found bloody weapons and clothes hidden away in the guest room. Baekhyun was really bothered by them too, which probably means those were the weapons that killed him. It was a saw, crowbar, and chain, so I don't even want to know what they did to his body." He shivered.

Slowly, Mr. Kim climbed down from the ladder to put his tools away. "Well, good luck with that."

"Mr. Kim." He stood up. "I know you said you wouldn't tell me how he died, but you can still tell me who was involved. All I need are names, then I can handle the rest."

"I don't have names."


His head perked up. "Excuse me?"

"Sir, I know you're lying. I can see it on your face. Was it Ms. Bae? Mr. Suho? Were you involved?"


"You can't keep covering for people. This poor young man was potentially brutally murdered by someone in this very neighborhood, and you're not going to give me any names?"

Mr. Kim went quiet for a moment, as if he considered talking. For a second, Chanyeol's eyes glimmered with hope and he thought for sure the old man would at least give him a clue. But, he didn't. He sighed and shrugged and went back to work on his Halloween decorations.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you."

Chanyeol watched as he went back inside to hang streamers. He stood his ground, anchoring himself on the porch with his arms crossed. "You're really going to let criminals get away with this?!" He shouted through the screen door.

Mr. Kim ignored him. He set up a step ladder in the living room and hung steamers over the fireplace.

"Look, I didn't know Baekhyun when he was alive; I wasn't even born. But, I can tell that he was a good person and he had a good life to live. Somebody took that away from him, and now you're going to defend them instead of the victim?"

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