Our Secrets Die With Us

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Chanyeol and Kyungsoo met at the lamppost outside his house. They decided to visit all the old people in the area first, thinking they might've been around long enough to know the truth. The first place they went was Ms. Bae's house across the street, who was a good friend of Mr. Kim's.

"Do you think she'll tell us if she knows?" Kyungsoo asked while they waited for someone to answer the door.


A second later, a young nurse poked her head out to glare at them. "Can I help you?"

"Hi. It's Park Chanyeol, Ms. Bae's neighbor. Can we talk to her?"

"One moment." The door shut quickly. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol exchanged a look, shrugging to themselves.

Then, the nurse returned and stepped aside to allow them in. She led them to the bedroom on the first floor, where Ms. Bae sat watching TV and hooked up to an IV.

"Hello Chanyeol. Long time no see." She said in a raspy voice. "What brings you and your friend here?"

"Ms. Bae, you've been living here for a long time, right?"

"Well, of course. I witnessed this place first built all the way back in the sixties I know every nook and cranny of this humble neighborhood."

"Then, you must know what happened in the house across the street back in the sixties. Someone died there and I'd like to know what happened."

Her face dropped. Her soft yet wrinkled features darkened. She stared them down, the kindness in her eyes vanishing. "Why do you need to know?"

"Well...long story short, I have a ghost problem, and I can't get rid of him until I know how he died. Mr. Kim didn't tell me, so I was hoping you would."

"Oh no. I will not speak of that house or that boy haunting it. You won't get anything out of me." She snarled.

"Why not? We're just trying to help a poor ghost finally be laid to rest." Kyungsoo said.

"I will take this to my grave, and so will everyone in this neighborhood who knows the truth. You will never get any of us to talk. Ever."

"Did you do something wrong? Are you guilty of his death?" Chanyeol prodded, taking a step closer.

"Are you accusing me of murder?"

"Maybe I am. What do you know, Ms. Bae?"

"Nothing. My lips are sealed."

"If you did nothing wrong, why are you keeping secrets? Why is everyone keeping secrets? What did you all do to that poor ghost?"

"Nurse! Get these hooligans out of my house!"

The nurse barged in with a broom in her hand, ready to whack them in the head. Kyungsoo grabbed Chanyeol by the wrist and yanked him towards the front door. The nurse chased them all the way to the sidewalk, before backing off and stalking back to the house.

"What the hell?" Kyungsoo said, panting. "That was...weird."

"Clearly, there's some foul play going on here. Why else would the entire thing be covered up like this?"

"So, what? Every old person in this entire neighborhood ganged up on one guy and killed him in his own house? It's weird."

They walked back to his house and went upstairs where Baekhyun sat by the window with his feet up on the desk. "What were you guys doing?"

"Visiting with Ms. Bae. Just wanted to see how she was doing."

"Man, she still lives here? I remember her from way back in the day. Her mom used to invite me and my roommate over for barbecues."

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