Dear Diary,

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        Today was quite eventful and by eventful I mean productive. I cleaned my room (mum made me), did my laundry, took Nevermore (your dog)  a bath, and did some exercises. I don't care if it was just 20 minutes worth of exercises at least I did it. I guess there was an eventful part of my day. I met a really cute guy while at the market. His name is Zack, too bad I won't be able to actually date him.  Oh, and I also wrote Hermione back we both live within the muggles but not so close to each other. Hermione is muggle-born which I think is really cool. Me however I'm raised by just my mum, of course, my mum is a witch and my dad is a wizard. Except when dad left, mum thought it might be better to live within the muggles. Mum said she was going to leave him either way since he had been drifting apart and acting weird. 

         I've been trying to reach Harry but he won't answer I guess maybe he's busy, or maybe the Dursleys actually locked him up. Ron hasn't been answering my letters either but Ron actually has an excuse. His poor owl. Now I suppose no one else should be reading this but me. If someone is though, go put this back right now. Before I find out because if I do! You know what I won't say what'll do. That's up to what you're mind thinks I'm capable of.  Anyways I've been feeling really weird lately like sometimes I will get a huge headache or my eyes will start burning. One day, I woke up to my eyes being an icy blue color. I was going to do some research today but I'm already going to go off to bed. Before I leave for diagonally tomorrow I will look. Good night

Love, Giselle

Authors Note: I tried making this chapter a bit longer, but I ran out of ideas for it. I really do hope this is somewhat improved. If it isn't, I apologize. You will have a dog in this book. I thought it would be cute. Her name is Nevermore and she is a Black Belgian Malinois. I would also appreciate it if you guys would leave a comment and vote on each chapter. Thank You! <3 

 Thank You! <3 

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