Introduction: Part One, Celestial Goodies

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Y/n pov

🎶" angels picked you up~"🎶

The end of our company's catchphrase entered my ears for the eleventh time in twenty minutes as the applicant finished singing and drank some water. I don't know why Simeon has me doing such trivial things as figuring out which voice sounds best.
I would sing at this point if only it would stop this audition from progressing. It was headache inducing to have a bunch of soprano singing people screech, 'So heavenly it's like angels picked you up,' for minutes on end trying to adjust their voice.

"Let's end it for today," I more commanded then suggested to the four voice actors.

Seline and Harley, the first two auditions, were out the door before ten seconds elapsed, the brunette and dirty blond heads fluttering with their next to running. Janet, the fourth audition, started to pick up her stuff as Kal, the torturous sounding third, approached me.

"I- uhm," he stuttered trying to find his words. Get on with it already you soggy pop tart!

The only way I knew my gaze betrayed no annoyance was the fact no change crosses his face other than he started to chew his lip.

Don't get me wrong. Kal was a follower of the crowd and a sociable introvert as people go. A generally smiling and curious man, he always has trouble talking to authority or people above him in situations.

I was the one giving the results to the supervisors. I had authority in this matter. If not for that, he would start a conversation with me on the newest thing he read in one of his guy magazines he was interested in. We were on friendly terms as coworkers go.

"Pop tart."

My sudden mention of his nickname made is lip nibbling cease and him get a little hope in his anxiety clouded eyes.

"You're safe. Leave," I technically wasn't supposed to tell anyone the result before the superiors.
Janet would not snitch, and she was already half way out the door.

The hope in his eyes turned into confidence in my words, and he left without another word. He knew quite well that the only command people should adhere to without question from me is one that that tells them to distance from me.

Standing up from the sturdy chair in the "audition room" as it had been dubbed, I collected the papers left behind by the actors and my own notes, trying to not get ink on my hands or stab myself with a pen.

I looked around to make sure everything was cleaned up. It was a decent sized rectangular room with the half towards the door holding the tables, chairs, and storage containers similar to mini lockers. The other half that I faced with the stuff in my hand had chairs during the audition and was now completely bare, thankfully. Things were always to be set up when needed and taken down immediately after in here.

I should set a reminder on my phone to get back at Simeon before I forgot.
Setting down the items, I pulled out my phone and began to type in my eight digit pin.

The door opened as my phone unlocked and I looked up from my picture of a flustered Luke home screen to the very person I had been thinking about, Simeon Medate, in the flesh.
The running joke was that his actual last name had an i after the d, and we all believed it.

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