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Your pov

The room was quiet, apart from the sound of a small fan on a table next to the principal. He was on one side, my mom and I on the other and a rectangular table between us. We sat in silence as he signed a few last papers before looking up at us.

"I'm glad you could be here today." He started but my mom told him to just tell her why we were here, she was a busy woman. "Yes, of course. Mrs. (L/n), we have reason to believe that your daughter might have...killed another student" he cleared his throat before saying the last part.

My mother stared at him, looked at me then back at him "reason to believe, she killed someone? I'm sorry, what reason do you have to believe this? Why aren't the police here?" She was visibly becoming angry and I didn't know if it was the princaple. "She threatened the student" he said, which wasn't nearly enough proof.

"A threat? You think she killed someone, with only the proof of...a threat?" She asked more calmly. 

He nodded his head "the school has decided to keep this whole ordeal under wraps. Her parents do want to press charges but since (y/n) is still under eighteen years of age, she will be off on parole, and she won't attend any more years at this school." 

I sat there for a moment just taking the thought of  expulsion in, i couldn't believe it, and wouldn't do so either, yi stood up from you chair and started yelling 

"This isn't fair! I didn't kill her, it was a threat, you don't have any proof that it was me, it could've been anyone!" I yelled, feeling tears of anger start falling from my eyes

My mother stood up and sighed, she grabbed her handbag along with my hand, stopping me from my yelling.

"Let's go (y/n). Lets not make this any worse" 

She pulled me alongside her and walked out

"you believe me, don't you mom? You know i would kill someone" i asked, hearing my voice crack

"(y/n), i do, i know you're not capable of something like this, but people think it was you. Until We have physical proof that it wasn't you, we can't say anything. Let's just be glad you weren't thrown into a cold cell for the rest of your life"

"I am..." 

My mother took me home and I went straight to my bedroom. About an hour later, mom walked into my bedroom

"I managed to register you into a district school, no private school wants to take you, the news spread too quickly. Early, tomorrow is your first day...and also last, but you have to be seen at least once at the school this year..." she said as she sat on my bed

"I'm sorry mom...really" she looked at me and hugged me "it's not your fault, i know you wouldn't do something like this" she stood up and left my room. 

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