back at the house

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I entered their polished oak door, everything looked exactly as it did when i was last here... i guess the Salvatores aren't the only thing in the house that didn't age. "Is Damon here?" I asked Stefan. "Unfortunately."He uttered, clearly irritated. He walked in, hair as dark as the night sky, eyes like an icy glacier. As soon as he saw me his eyes widened in shock. He didn't expect me to live past the transition...But i thrived as a vamp.
"Oh my god! Is that y/n... How are you even alive?" he questioned, visibly shocked. "I guess you can thank Stefan seeing as you were no help!" i bitterly said. "wow you look hotter than you did in the hard feelings right?" he smirked with his signature way. "Yeah sure no hard feelings right." I smiled sarcastically . "Hold on a sec y/n, how are you just forgiving him like he didn't literally kill you and leave you to rot?" Elena complained. "What can i say really? I don't hold grudges for decades Elena, if this was about five years ago you would never catch me acting like this, but i think it made my life a lot better really." I said warmly. I gave Damon an innocent hug just to say "it's fine". As the hours went on we talked and talked and talked about how our lives had been ever since. I had noticed Damon seemed sort of... less cold hearted than before. Maybe it was something new in his life. "So you met her then, Kathy." He questioned. "Mhm...She seemed sweet enough, but from what she did to you and Stefan i kept my wits about me." I explained. Stefan walked in surprised at how well Damon and i got along. "You look very different to when i met you, let go of the whole 90s neon thing huh." Damon said whilst looking me up and down, his eyes spending quite a while on my boobs. I missed his unapologetic sexual nature.

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