Chapter 3

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It was a beautiful sunny day of course. Merry, Pippin, and Sam were awoken by the Gaffer, puzzled at first to find they were at the old man's hobbit hole, then recollecting what happened last night for the bachelor party. Sam and Frodo however, pretended to be awoken. This was it. This was the day. Sam was officially going to be gone, out of Frodo's life. No room for chance now. They all headed to the back room and put on their best trousers and white cotton shirts. Frodo helped Sam with his best cloak which had been woven by an elven maiden in Rivendell and fastened the shimmering leaf pin.

He put Sam's little blade from the quest in his belt as a sign of honor. They exchanged a small smile. Pippin and Merry chatted about the whole time, not noticing. They left hand in hand, walking out the Old Gaffer's front door, heading to the bridge where the wedding would take place. "Whenever you're ready Sam!" Pippin called over his shoulder as he and Merry shared puffs from a pipe. Sam nodded.

Once Merry and Pippin were quite a ways from the house, Frodo and Sam looked at eachother. Frodo smiled grimly, leaning forward to press his head against Sam's. They stood there for a couple seconds, no words to be spoken. Frodo squeezed out one last tear, and then wiped it away quickly, leaning back to look in Sam's face again. "Ready Samwise?" He said, blue eyes shining.
Sam gulped, looking at the floor. "Ready, Mr. Frodo."
The whole village was there, crowding around the riverbank. A couple children played in the water, their pudgy fingers moving through the rippling green. Chattering commenced for what seemed like hours, gossip about Rosie's dress that had been tailored for weeks, and the party that would be at Frodo's house. All Frodo could focus on however, was the way that Sam's green eyes flitted about, the way that his golden curls blew softly about in the April wind.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Rosie, and he saw how Sam's shoulders tensed.
She walked slowly, two hobbit girls being careful not to get her white train in the river. Gaffer played a sweet violin intro, making Frodo close his eyes as he thought about walking through distant green valleys. This could have been him. This could have been his music, his happiness.

The vows were short and simple. Rose looked beautiful, and Sam looked tired, but happy. Absolutely happy. Tears spilled from Frodo's eyes, but the spectators would have guessed it was pride and happiness for his friend. Before he knew it, Sam had said "I do," the golden rings glittering. Frodo flinched, thinking of what that reminded him of now. Once more, he had to fight the urge of not being able to get something that he wanted. So close, yet so far away. Sam, his dear Sam.

Sam and Rosie exchanged a sweet kiss. The crowd clapped and cheered, banners and rice being thrown. The children set paper lanterns down the river. It was complete.
Before Frodo knew it, the crowd had swept Rosie and Sam away into this flower laden carriage, sending them off to Frodo's house for the party, everyone trailing behind. But Frodo, Frodo stood still. Watching the lanterns go off down the river. He thought about the voyage Gandalf spoke of. Sweet release. Didn't sound so bad right at this moment.

"I expect to be invited to the wedding" Bilbo said...
Frodo sunk to the floor, looking at the flat heavy rocks settled at the bottom of the river.
How nice it would be if he could go down to his knees in the cool water. Pick up the stone, and set it on his chest as he sunk down...down...down....
He remembered how he was so close to falling, and Sam's hand was there, pulling through the murky depths and grasping his fingers.

No. He firmly resolved. He would be strong for Sam. As long as he could, anyway. Sam had helped him all the way to the point where he carried him up Mount Doom. The least he could do was be there for him, act happy, watch him have kids and see them grow, at least for a little while. He heard Galadriel's voice, call out to him through the river. Shouldn't be long my dear Frodo, shouldn't be long.

He got up off of his knees. The party was at his house, he was the host. He had to be first in line. And last but not least, the best man's speech.
He arrived, the party in full swing. All kinds of music playing in sweet harmony, dancing, laughing, talking, and Sam and Rosie were placed in two large oak chairs at the base of the tree. A wedding present provided from Beorn. In fact, all kinds of wedding presents were stacked in and immense pile in front of them. One from all of the members of the fellowship to be sure, and one from Bilbo and all of the various beings they had met on their journey. Who had helped them through so much. Legolas and Gimli's gift was peculiarly large. Frodo let out a shuddering sigh before he joined the party full force, smiling when he felt like weeping till his throat and eyes were sore.
It was time. The Gaffer, a couple of Rosie's friends, and Merry and Pippin, had already done their speeches, producing quite the laughs. Frodo finally stood up with a strength he didn't realize he possessed. The parchment of paper with his words crumpled tightly in his fist.
He placed himself in front of the large assembly, heels clicking together and face flushed in nervousness. He had to do this. One last stand, and it was over.

He laughed nervously, unravelling the yellowed paper he had started working on weeks ago but then shrugged and crumpled it to the floor. He took a small breath as he looked up once again. Pippin winked at him, Sam smiled softly, meeting his eyes. "I-" he started out, barely a whisper. He cleared his throat. "I um, remember quite clearly when Sam worked as my gardener, what seemed like so many years ago..." The audience chuckled, goading Sam, who blushed.
"Sure Samwise and I had gone fishing, played in the cornfield, and drove the old Gaffer to drink... But I never would have thought he was to accompany me on something much greater, to help and sacrifice more than anyone could comprehend." He glanced at Sam. His jaw was set and his eyes, he found, were shimmering just like the river he had contemplated drowning in.

He caught himself and looked away quickly, smiling apologetically to the crowd that hung on his every word. "I will never forget the times when he was there to talk with me, always there to watch and aid me whenever I stumbled. And not only the little things, which anyone should already give him a medal for, but there were the times when he nearly drowned to follow me after that encounter with Boromir. When he distrusted Gollum the whole time, and I wouldn't listen. The Ring. It was- I was not right in the head. I was weak, and Sam stayed strong. He found me." His voice quavered at the end a little. He paused, trying to regain his self control. "Go tell him Frodo. And tell him soon. He's the only thing that can make you happy."

"He fought Shalob and overthrew Smeagol, he rescued me from a tower filled with orcs, he carried me up Mount Doom when he could barely stand himself, and at the end, when we were seemingly abandoned in the fires of the mountain, he reminded me of home.
He brought me back. He helped me remember the very taste of our strawberries, the very green grass that we are standing on. Without Sam, none of this would have happened. He has the courage in his heart of thousands of elven soldiers. He has love that would melt even the very sun upon the mountaintop to give, and you know what wraps up the whole package? He has no idea."

He looked over at Sam, electric blue eyes brimming with tears. Sam closed his eyes in return, a single tear going down his ruddy cheek and leaving a prominent track in the lamplight.
"No idea."
After what seemed like hours, the crowd in hushed silence, and some sobbing themselves,
Frodo whispered "You deserve everything that can be given, Sam."
He wiped at his eyes with his sleeve, and then smiled grimly as he let out a sigh.
He turned to Rosie. "There is no one better for Samwise than you, Rosie. Be happy." He then turned and took his spot at the table next to Pippin, who hugged him immediately and bawled into his shoulder. He chuckled briefly, patting Pippin's back. It was done. It was complete.
Sam would never know now, and he had his own life to live. Whereas Frodo, would spend the rest of his waiting for it to end. Not very long Frodo, not very long. Galadriel's voice echoed in his ears.

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