Zayn and Liam's Wedding

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It was brought into my attention that I deprived you all of a Ziam wedding. Between the first story and the sequel, Ziam got married and it was stated when Zayn called Liam his husband in the first chapter of the sequel.

It's been years since I wrote that, and months since I wrote an alternative ending, so if I was able to write an alternative ending to this small series, who says I can't write a wedding scene between the main characters that I kept from all of you from reading and enjoying.

So, without further ado, Zayn and Liam's wedding.


"What if he doesn't want to marry me anymore?" Zayn asked, he walked out of the en suite as he looked over at Harry who looked at him like he was crazy. "What if he is in his own room as we speak thinking about how it's not worth it?"

Harry rolled his eyes and continued to fix his own shirt while looking in the mirror. "You're stupid. The guy literally spent months trapped in some weirdo's basement and escaped just to come home to you. And you're still having doubts on whether or not he wants to marry you?"

Zayn stared at Harry, as the younger hadn't realized how easily he had spoken about Liam's trauma. His eyes widened and he turned to look at his best friend with an apologetic expression. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Zayn shook his head and moved to sit down on the couch with his head in his hands.

"It's fine, I'm just so scared, what if he's just as scared as I am and decides he's not ready?" Harry walked over and crouched down in front of Zayn, placing his hands on the elder's knees.

"Zayn, aside from our own parents, I have never met a couple that love each other as much as you two do. If soulmates existed, you'd be each other's soulmate, I just know it." Zayn looked at Harry, with a few tears welling up on his eyes. "He's probably thinking you don't want this either, and you know what? That's normal, it's normal to feel anxious and nervous at a day like this. But I know and you know this too, that by the end of the day you're going to be happily married to the love of your life."

Zayn couldn't help but smile before wrapping his arms around Harry in a tight embrace. "Everyone came home for this day, for you two, so don't worry too much about it, yeah?" Harry mumbled, earning a single nod from Zayn.

After they pulled away, Harry stood up, dusting himself off, "Now, stop being a bitch and let's go get you hitched." He said as he walked straight to the door, and out of the room. The door opened a second later with the taller male peeking his head in, "I think I rhymed." He smiled widely before he left once again.

Zayn chuckled as he stared at the door before taking a deep breath.  "He's right, you didn't take two years to plan this damn wedding for you to think All Star isn't going to marry you by the end of the day." Zayn rolled his eyes as he moved to stand in front of the mirror to fix his tie before grabbing his coat.

"Can you for once in your life, shut up?" He asked, focused on his reflection in the mirror. He heard the male laugh before he stood up from his spot on the other couch and make his way to stand next to Zayn.

"No can do, I don't know if you've forgotten but I'm in your head." Ethan chuckled as he stared at Zayn through the mirror, a small smirk on his lips. Zayn gulped as he stared back at the male before looking down at his hands. "Hurry up, the curly haired one is about to enter."

The door opened and Harry walked in and over to Zayn. "Everything is set, all we need now is for you and Liam to walk down the aisle and profess your unconditional love for one another." Zayn looked up at him, Harry was now standing in the spot Ethan had just been at.

"Okay, let's go then." Harry smiled and patted his back before exiting the room to go get Zayn's parents as they were going to walk down the aisle with him.

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