Chapter Three

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It probably hadn't been long since Liam decided to go to the bedroom to cry when he felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up, just to see his mother looking at him worriedly.

"Liam, what's wrong?"

Liam couldn't speak or look at his mother so all he did was continue crying, harder and louder this time. Karen sat down with him and rubbed his back soothingly, but Liam kept crying. She kept asking him what was wrong or if anything had happened but Liam wouldn't say a thing.

Karen decided to text Zayn to let him know before calling Liam's therapist afterwards to let her know what was going on, and ask her why she probably thought Liam was that way.

"Hello, Dr.Villa's office, Denise speaking"

"Hello, this is Karen Payne, Liam Payne's mother. Is there any way I can talk to Dr.Villa?"

"Let me check, please hold"

Karen watched as Liam basically crumbled in front of her, he was now hugging his knees against his chest, crying hysterically, rocking slightly back and forth. Karen had never seen Liam this way, but then again, this probably may not be the first time it's happened, since no one really knows what goes on in Liam's life.

"Dr.Villa speaking."

"Hello, yes, Dr.Villa. This is Karen Payne, Liam Pa-"

"Liam Payne's mother, how can I help you?"

"Liam isn't doing so good right now, he's been crying since before I arrived at his house and won't tell me what's wrong. Which left me wondering if everything is okay with him? If you've seen him get better at all?"

"Does Liam not tell you about his sessions with me, Mrs.Payne?"

"No, is there something wrong?"

"Well, I'm not at liberty to give you information on him unless given permission to do so by him."

"But I'm his mother. I have the right to know."

"Yes, ma'am, I know you have the right to know, as his mother. Except, you're not listened as the one person information can be given to."

"Then who is?"

"Niall Horan."

Karen stared at Liam who had seemed to have calmed down a bit, but she was incredibly confused as to why Niall was the one person Liam listed to be given information if he asked for it. She could understand her not being the one listed, but why wasn't Zayn?

One would think that the person to be able to call and ask information about Liam and have it be given to them would be Zayn, he is Liam's husband afterall.

"Hello? Mrs.Payne? Are you still there?"

Before Karen could answer, Zayn rushes into the room and over to Liam side.

"Liam, babe, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around Liam and held him close to him, kissing the top of his head gently.

Liam quickly relaxed and his crying slowly stopped. Zayn sighed and looked over at Karen who was watching the two.


"I'm sorry. Yes, I'm still here" She said into the phone, Zayn watching her curiously.

"Can you not give the information to his husband?"

Zayn grew more curious but didn't stop comforting Liam.

"With Liam's permission, I can."

Karen put the phone on speaker, "Liam, sweetheart, do you give Dr.Villa permission to tell Zayn any information about you?"

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