She is lost❤

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Ajey's P.O.V

I saw that guy again, it's risky but i have to follow him now. I silently followed him but in another second he disappeared somewhere. I looked around but didn't found him. I had no other choice left without retruning home. I sighed and left for home.

Next morning.

Lia's P.O.V

I felt sunlight hitting my face. Fuvk! I have to go I stood up somehow and looked at the mess i just made. Pieces of broken glass on floor. I don't have time to clean it up so i should just leave it like this for now. I am still feeling dizzy and this shoulder pain. Not again! I have to see a doctor. I grabbed towel and took a fast shower. I came out of shower and I finally got my senses back. I put on a sweatshirt and White jeans before leaving for college.

Well it's my last year here. I have to perform at this event.
"There will be thousands of people watching you perform, Are you sure?"

"Yes ma,am! I am sure." I said ignoring my anxiety. It's my first time singing infront of thousands of people.
I sat beside yeonjun, he is too silent nowdays.
"Hey bitch! What happend to you." I said while punching his arm.
"What happend to you?"
"Rude ass... Have you seen lilly?"
"She is busy Fangirling over Carryminati"
I never saw him...

"Are you done stalking him?" Yeonjun said and rolled his eyes.
"Your ass is jealous from him." Lilly yelled before walking away while stomping her feet.
I am still thinking about what Ajey said yesterday. Well, I don't have to be afraid of that bitch now. It's good if she's alive, She is carrying many secrets i need to know. But how ajey knew about this?
"Lia?" Yeonjun said and pinched my cheek.
"What's it now?" I said rudely, because, He is always cold toward everyone.
"Actually, The thing is-" I got a text.

I am outside. Be quick!

Why is he here now? I bid a goodbye to yeonjun before going outside. I saw his car He obviously can't come out because of safety issues. I sat inside.

Lia: Why do you came?

Hoseok: Why are you ignoring me?

Lia: I didnt ignored...

Hoseok: I have a surprise for you! You've to get ready quickly.

Lia: But-

Hoseok: No buts.

Lia: Okay!

Time skip...

I opened the main door of apartment with keys. Then, i remembered the state of my room. He almost opened the door.

Lia: STOP! (Yelled and pushed him aside before running inside the room and shutting the door)

Hoseok: Why did you pushed me?

Lia: I have to change. (I said while hiding the bottles in my closet. I hid the broken pieces of glass under the bed.)

Hoseok: You're hiding something?

Lia: No I am not! (I yelled and grabbed the dress in hurry)

Hoseok: Don't lie!

Lia: Shutup! You little piece of shit! (I yelled angrily because the jeans got stuck in my feet.)

Hoseok: How can you use such words on me?

Lia: I didn't said it to you? (I opened the door while trying to catch my goddamn breath)

Hoseok: Looks like you got into a fight. We're not that late though!

Lia: Should i wear makeup?

Hoseok: You've to meet my girlfriend..

Lia: WhAt? I am so excited. (I said and grabbed my phone.)

1 hour later..

Hoseok: She's already here. (Lia nodded and looked at table. Why is this bitch here now? Wait, don't tell me, She is the girl oppa is dating. Seokkyung.

Seokkyung: Hey! Long time no see.

Ajey's P.O.V

4 years ago.That day i followed Lia. She went into a mansion, guards were standing all around the place. I had no other choice without sneaking from windows, I really want to know what happend to her mother, i don't want her to get into any danger. I looked inside from a window only to see Maria standing with a guy. Maria is here?

Maria: I really don't know Why that guy is saving her. I made sure to get her hit with the truck, but that guy saved her. (They're talking about me.)
He is son of owners of a company. They also own the school, but I can't stay hidden. That bitch Lia, I am sure she will try to find out truth. You've to keep pretending You're her dad! Let her go to south korea now. Maybe things will get solved out. Or, We have to kill her just like we did to Yoonjae.
(I can't believe what i heard. I heard footsteps getting closer. Footprints of my sneakers were visible. I felt Someone pulling me back. Lia?

"Remove your shoes" She whispered I did as she said. She weared my sneakers and went out.

"What? These are mine!" I heard her saying this. She came back to me.

Ajey: Lia?

Jenny: I am not Lia! I am jenny. (Then i realized she had a twin or maybe look alike.)

Ajey: What-

Jenny: Protect Lia. I know you're Ajey. The guy who saved her. Now go.

(I ran away without understanding what she meant.)

And I wanted Lia to tell about this whole thing, but she isn't ready to hear me. Neither i can blame her for being like this. But that guy felt similar...

To be continued..

(Kindly ignore mistakes-

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