The revenge begins!

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Tw! Mention of Rape, sexual abuse and verbal abuse.

Alvish's P.O.V (He was Lia's teacher a long ago, Ajey found Lia's pictures and he realized he's a psycho so he told lia about it. Alvish Attacked her and His father's guard saved them.)

I went to the cottage to see my love. I have been really busy so we didn't meet.
I saw her cooking something so i backhugged her. Jenny! I work for his dad and during a mission we fell for each other. We're dating secretly, If her father knew it I'll be dead.

Alvish: Missed you! (She turned to me. And she looked diffrent more like Lia.Another surgery?

Jenny: Yup. Want some coffee?

Alvish: Yes.

(She is behaving strange too.. Maybe because she don't wanna look like Lia. She came to me and placed the mug on the table. She handed me the phone.)

On call:

??: We can't find Ms, neither we can trace her. It's a order to find her.

Call ended.

Alvish: Did you just left without informing? They are sea- (I tried stand up and I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS)

Jenny: Well! I never had a plastic surgery.... I am Jung Li ah not a bot jenny. (She said and my vision blacked out.)


(I struggled to wake up and everything was dark. I felt a rope around my feet and wrists.)

Alvish: Is anybody here?

??: Who are you?

(Before i could answer Sound of stomping heels echoed. Lights turned on and It was Lia who fooled me and drugged me. I looked at the person beside me. Arun? Lia's step brother? Tied on a chair with a knife stapped in his shoulder, covered in blood.)

Alvish: Let me go!

Lia: Why should i?

Alvish: You better-  (She gripped my hairs and pulled backwards. I yelled in pain. It felt like she is gonna pull my hairs out of my scalp)

Lia: Don't fuckin raise your voice at me. You'll end up losing you tongue. (She whispered. I would be lying if i said I am not scared for my life currently. Lia slapped him before sitting down on an empty chair.)

Lia: Jenny is in your closet. They'll soon reach her.

Alvish: Why are you doing this.

Lia: When you shot yeonjun I already knew it's you.

Alvish: Wha-

Lia: And i also sent the proof of fact that you also work for another mafia to your boss. I'll kill you here or you'll die outside. You're dead! (She laughed and left. I had no other choice I struggled to get my hands free.)

Arun: Don't!

Alvish: since when you're here?

Arun: What date is it today.

Jungwook's (L/F) P.O.V

..: Sir We got her last trace. It's a cottage.


We reached the cottage. They all parked their cars.

..: Alvish lives here Sir!

They start reaching all around.

..: This is proof that cheated you! Leaked our information and worked for some- (This shit! I slapped him hard on his face)

Jungwook: This shit isn't important Go find jenny. And also find that mf! (We heard a loud thud. One of them opened the closet and jenny's body fell down. With party balloons.

Alvish's P.O.V

Arun: I tried running away and she cutted of my legs. She barely give me enough food.

Alvish: But Why? You're her brother.

Arun: Step-brother.

Alvish: But why?

Arun: I abused her with my mother and tried to ra- rape her!

Lia's P.O.V

I heard him confessing it! He tried to force me. He thought I'll forget it. I smirked and grabbed a Iron rode.

Lia: Finally! (They both looked at me. They were clearly afraid after looking at rode.)

Alvish: Are you crazy! Spare me please. I beg you.

Lia: Keep begging. (I said and hit arun with all my Strength i had at moment)

Arun: Ahh! For- (He fell down and i pressed my heel on his mouth.)

Lia: Today You'll get rid baby! (I keep hitting his body which was covered in blood until i was satisfied. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. One of my guy appeared)

Lia: Come and collect this! There are many hungry bears in nearby forest. Cut him in pieces and feed them. And... If i found his body in a good condition I'll make sure you also end up like this. Got it?

..: Yes! (He dragged his body outside.)

Lia: I got rid from one of them. And a few of them are still alive.

Alvish: He had bloo- blood on his-

Lia: He got his ****** cutted off. Scared?
(I laughed and wiped my bloody hands on his t-shirt before leaving)

(I just got to know that Maria is living with my Jungwook. Well He played a nice game. Getting his own several plastic surgeries to make her look alike me, Because he wanted me get punished for his deeds by being her daughter. He thought he can always run away like this. Sick bastrad)

Ajey's P.O.V

I got informed that He killed her step-brother by one of the guy working for her. He said He won't be able to give me her information from now on Because he is scared to get caught. She won't spare their life.

I am scared what if Jay (John's Real Name is Jay. Given by his parents.) actually kill her or something. Will she hate me because if i told her the truth?

To be continued.......


I just wrote a poetry or poem or whatever it is....

Heavy cringe alert!

A melody too hard to understand.
An angel too hard to love.
A demon too innocent to hate.
A bit too easy to hurt.
Diamond rolling down her cheeks.
Her eyes lake warmth.
A turnado always up to burst in her.
A melody too hard to understand.

A girl too strong to stab.
A beauty too ugly to admire.
Her truth crying for help. Trying hard to survive.
Her figure is wrapped up in a lie.
A melody in her silence too hard to understand.

Hatered dripping from her personality..
She leads a way to heavish hell.
Her heart shattered in pieces. Which one she is supposed to follow.
Map on her wrists to her real self.
Forget her, kill her, destroy her or burn her soul alive.
Melody in her unvisible tears too hard  to understand.

Her nights are not for sleeping.
Her eyes never smiled.
The truth was always buried alive by her fakeness.
You don't know her.
The one you knew was never her reality.
She didn't cried she broken herself.
She never treated, she just hid her wounds.

She isn't far. She isn't near.
Just try to understand.
She isn't invisible you never wanted to see her.
She is right in front of you. Just look at her!
She is a melody herself.


Sorry for that cringy shit.

Uhm uhm*

My book is about to reach/hit/complete 1k readssss..

Twerk* twerk* twerk*

I am gonna update one of my best oneshots todayyy.
Check it out!

And I have a crush on my own fictional Character Lia. I mean She is so cool and savage😭😭

I have to go to mental hospital. Bye..

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