You're pretty, You're mine!

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Hoseok: Why did you told her? We haven't found out the truth yet.

Suga: We didn't had any other choice, she had to find out about it anyway-

Namjoon: Where are you going? (He rushed to Hoseok who was trying to stand.)

Hosoek: Going to save the Doctor's life, I hope my sister isn't already grabbing doctor's collar. (Namjoon agreed and tried to help him to walk.)

Hoseok: I can walk mf! (Hoseok laughed and walked to doctor's office. He looked inside but no one.)

?: Jung hoseok! (He looked back and Lia was standing there with puffed cheeks)

Hoseok: You scared me!

Lia: You're supposed to be in your room right now!

Hoseok: I know! I came to see you.

Lia: You saw me? Now, go take rest. I wanna talk after you recover completely.

Hoseok: But where are you going?

Lia: My friend is not feeling well. I have to go see him.

Hoseok: Is that friend, perhaps Ajey?

Lia: What the- No- Well, Yes. How did you know? (She looked at as Hoseok chuckled and patted her head)

Hoseok: That cute blush on your cheeks says it all.

Lia: Jung Hoseok!

Hoseok: Jung Li ah! (He copied her and let out a giggle.) Ok sorry. Now go!

Lia : I hate you!

Hoseok: I love you too baby.

Ajey's P.O.V

I opened my phone when i reached home.

Are u awake?

I am coming over.

Open the door!

Shoot! I heard doorbell and i rushed to open ignoring the pain.
I opened the door revealing Lia. Wait... Is she here even after knowing that Jay is my brother.

Lia: Ajey nagar!

Ajey: Huh!

Lia: You should be resting at hospital. Not at home running around like kids.

Ajey: I- I am sorry! (Her screaming actually scared me... In a few second, She leaned on my chest. Before i could react i realized she was crying.)

Ajey: Why are you crying? I am really sorry-

Lia: You don't have to apolpgize.

Ajey: But-

Lia: Just don't! Come here. (She grabbed my hand dragging me to bedroom. I laid down as she pulled covers on me.)

Lia: Take care of yourself. Will you? You just got shot, how can be so careless?

Ajey: You knew that Jay is my-

Lia: Shh! I have hired a nurse for you. And don't you dare to go out.

Ajey: I have to attend your college event after 2 days...

Lia: Until then don't go out. Okay?

Ajey: Okay.....

Lia: Why are you staring at me?

Ajey: You are so pretty-

Lia: No i am not.

Ajey: I like you, Lia! (I gathered my all courage and said it, i'l say it was a joke if she rejects me)

Lia: You can die i don't care! (She stood up and left. She was lying. Wasn't she?) Nurse is here too. (She leaned closer, Gosh stop getting flustered....)
She is a female, don't you dare to flirt around. (She poked my head with her finger, Leaving me dumbfoded.)

Ajey: I never flirted with anyone.

Lia: Says a Guy who was a typical fuckboy in highschool?

Ajey: When will you leave that?

Lia: Never baby! Where are spare keys?

Ajey: In the Drawyer- But why?

Lia: I'll keep them.

Next day....

Lia's P.O.V

I was done practising, Yesterday is the event day. I got a advantage of performing, I don't have to study hard.
I checked my phone to see Ajey have replied me or not, I've been texting him and even sent him voice notes but that mf isn't replying. Nurse told me that He ordered her to leave. He is out of his mind or what?

"Ajey nagar, Texting me back won't kill you, I am worried." I said in the most calm voice I can speak in.
I will talk with Oppa after his discharge, We both have things to tell each other.
I sat in my car and drived staright to his place. Can't he just text me back?

Ajey's P.O.V

Ajey: You can take your leave.

Nurse: But I am hired for a week. Sir!

Ajey: You'll get fully paid, Lia was too much worried, You can leave.

Nurse: Okay sir.

After she left, I wore a high neck to cover up my shoulder, Yash called me but I was busy so i didn't respond. I should facetime him.

I opened my Laptop and facetimed.

[A/N: Simple translations will be given, I am not too good at that]

Yash: Tu zinda hai? (Are you even alive?)

Ajey: Itni jaldi nahi marunga na. (I won't die this early.)

Yash: Mar to jaana chahiye na. (But you should!)

Ajey: Sab mereko marne ke peeche kyi pade ho yaar? (Why do you all wanna kill me)

Yash: Koi na koi na. Bata kaisa hai? (Nothing, How have you been?)

Ajey: Ch*di lagi padi hai bhai. (I am really fu**ed, Bro)

Yash: Ab ye ho hoga. Wo mili? (That was obvious, Did you met her?)

Ajey: Kon? (Whom?)

Yash: You know, about whom i am talking.

Ajey: N-No I don't.

Yash: Hmm.... I see. I am talking about Lia.

Ajey: No- I mean yes We accidently met and had a chat.

Yash: Oh.. Really? Just a chat?

Ajey: Chal bye.

Yash: Hahaha Bye.

I almost forget that my phone is turned off and is on charging. I turned it on.

36 Missed calls.

42 messages.

Who tf died? They are from Lia? I opened the chat and i couldn't help but smile. I played the voice notes.

"Why aren't you replying me?"

"Are you okay? Bi'tch!''

"Will you fu**ckin reply me ot not?"

"WHY AREN'T YOU TEXTING BACK?" I heard the door crack open, I knew who it was, Only Lia have keys. I turned back as she walked toward me stomping her heels. She was about to say something but i Played the remaining voice notes.

"This is my last note, I really don't care."
Woah, It's calm.

"Ajey, Please text back, I really am worried"

"Ajey nagar, Texting me back won't kill you, I am worried!" I smiled listening her voice notes. She stood there.

Ajey: Are you the same girl? who said I can did if i want, You won't care?

Lia: I do care and You know that. (She walked past me but i held her wrist and turned to face me.)

Ajey: Then accept it, that you like me too.

Lia: I.....

To be continued...

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