The Confession

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"Okay, let me get this straight," Alden sighed as he leaned back into his chair and rubbed a hand over his face.
"You heard about this star from the Black Swan, correct?"
Keefe, Sophie, and Fitz all nodded.
"You learned more about this star in one of your classes?"
All three nodded again.
"You learned, specifically, that this star caused one of the biggest mass panics in elven history?"
They exchanged nervous looks and nodded again, albeit more sheepishly this time.
"And you thought," Alden began, focusing his gaze on Keefe. "That it would be a good idea to go out, alone, might I add, to see if it would happen again."
This time it was just Keefe nodding his head, guilt painted clearly across his face.
Alden sighed again and looked pointedly at Keefe, whose leg had been wildly bouncing up and down for the entire conversation.
"And it did."
"It did," Keefe mumbled in agreement, letting his eyes dart around the room.
His lip had started to bleed at some point in the night due to his insistent chewing on them. His hands, too, couldn't seem to stop their constant motion and he kept clenching and unclenching them in an effort to not tackle one of his closest friends for the crystal she now had in her possession.
Sophie seemed to sense this, as she had the hand holding the crystal stuffed firmly in the pocket furthest from Keefe's grasp. He could also see her stealing worried glances at him out of the corner of her eye.
Fitz, on his part, was also keeping a close eye on his friend, though if it was out of concern for Keefe or out of the fear he might lunge at his girlfriend, Keefe wasn't totally sure. He could begrudge his friend for neither as he himself was acutely aware of his own growing desperation.
Alden shook his head with an annoyed huff, but felt his gaze grow softer the longer he looked at the poor boy in front of him, who was clearly desperate but trying so hard not to give in to what he wanted.
"Right," he began decisively. "With what we little we know about this whole situation," he couldn't help but to flash a disapproving frown in Keefe's direction before continuing, "we can deduce that due to his current state, his exposure to the star was brief enough that he still retains enough control that he isn't a hazard."
Alden paused before carrying on, seemingly picking his words carefully.
"Therefore, it is possible that the time he'll be affected will shorten too."
Everyone sighed in cautious relief.
"So that means he might be better by school tomorrow?" Fitz asked.
Alden frowned again, it seems he'd forgotten about school.
"He might not be completely back to normal, but he should improve somewhat by then. It's hard to say. No one I've ever encountered has dealt with it before."
The before now was left unsaid, but understood by all nonetheless.
"He could stay here for the night and tommorows school day," Fitz suggested. "He'll probably be back to normal by the next day right?" Alden nodded his head and looked contemplative.
"Yes, I believe that could work," he responded.
"What about your dad?" Sophie asked suddenly, turning to Keefe. "Won't he notice if you aren't home by morning?"
Keefe shook his head vigorously to try and pull his gaze away from where it had fixed itself to Sophie's pocket.
"Nah, it should be fine," Keefe answered honestly. "He usually just ignores me unless I've done something to upset him." He trailed off, eyes sliding back to where the crystal was hidden, unaware of the unhappy silence that befell the group after hearing his casual response.
"Well, then, it's settled, Keefe will just have to stay here until this all blows over," Alden stated decisively.
"This, however, doesn't mean that you two don't have to go to school," he added, turning to face Fitz and Sophie.
"What?!" came their synchronized reply.
"Who's going to look after Keefe?" Sophie questioned in alarm.
"I think I can do an adequate job in making sure our resident troublemaker causes no trouble, hmm?" Alden responded, amusement audible in his voice. "Besides, wouldn't it be best to keep whatever Sophie's hiding from Keefe in her pocket away from him until he's a bit more lucid, yes?"
Keefe flushed crimson at the mention of the coveted crystal, and cursed that supid star ten times over for making it impossible to hide his emotions.
Sophie just glanced nervously at Keefe, then back at Alden, and Keefe felt his stomach turn with humiliation. He really didn't want to discuss his dumb crush with Alden. It was bad enough that Fitz and Sophie knew.
Sophie recognized this and started to speak.
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell y-."
She was cut off by a small wave of Alden's hand.
"That's okay, I don't need to know what it is. I can tell it's important to Keefe and I have faith in his decision to trust you with it."
Keefe met Alden's eyes and gave him a grateful smile, his tense posture relaxing just slightly.
Alden just smiled back, before addressing all three of them.
"Alright, since it's already very late, and two of you have school in the morning, you all need rest."
Just then they heard a rustle in the corner, which stopped abruptly as they all turned to look.
Alden sighed.
"I suppose that makes three of you. Biana, we know you're there, you can come out."
Biana slowly stepped out from the shadows, grinning sheepishly and rubbing the back of her neck.
Keefe just hid his burning face in his hands.
"Sorry," Biana mumbed.
Her father shook his head in exasperation and turned back to address Sophie.
"Sophie, you can use my imparter to call your parents, and explain the situation as best you can. Your usual room will be ready for you."
Sophie thanked him, and left the room, imparter in tow.
Keefe could almost feel the distance that was being made between him and that crystal, and not of his own accord, stood to follow, when he was suddenly arm in arm with both Vacker siblings, being walked (dragged) to a separate wing of the house.
As they were walking, and Keefe was trying to ignore the steady tightening in his stomach, he felt Biana lean behind him, and whisper something to Fitz. He couldn't quite make out what she was saying, but he could only assume that it was about the whole situation. What didn't make any sense, however, was the look that Fitz gave in response. He was confused even more as Biana nodded, an expression of understanding gracing her delicate features.
Whatever, he thought to himself, his mind already drifting back to those bright periwinkle eyes that had haunted him for months.
Before he knew it, they were stopped outside one of the guest rooms, and he was being ushered inside.
Keefe, unintentionally, tuned out what Fitz was saying as they stepped through the threshold, mind having been a million miles away the entire walk over, and was soon very surprised to find himself with an armful of Vacker as he was suddenly being hugged, quite tightly, by both Fitz and Biana.
As shocked as he was, he still managed to hug them back, grateful for the moment of reprieve from his feelings of turmoil.
The embrace lasted for only a couple of seconds before Biana pulled away first and punched him in the arm.
"Ow!" Keefe exclaimed, rubbing his, now free, arm. "What was that for?!"
"That was for being an idiot, and doing dangerous stuff by yourself again!" Biana hissed, angry facade given away only by the worry that shone through her teal eyes.
A strong and steady hand landed heavily on Keefe's shoulder as Fitz came back into view.
"Biana's right, man. You've got to stop doing this."
Keefe scoffed lightly, and opened his mouth to remind them that he was fine, but stopped short at the genuine emotion he could see in his friends eyes. He didn't even need his empathic abilities to understand how much they actually cared about his safety, or the concern they felt for him.
Keefe threw away the sarcastic comment he's been about to make, and answered their pleading eyes with a soft smile.
"Okay, I'm sorry I made you worry. I won't do it again."
He tacked on the 'on purpose' in his own head.
Fitz just tightened his grip, giving Keefe's shoulder one final squeeze before letting go with a small smile of his own.
Keefe cleared his throat, and blinked a couple times to clear away the tears that were definitely not threatening to form.
"I suppose we should all get some sleep, it's been... a long night." Fitz sighed, throwing one more worried look at his friend.
"You sure you'll be alright on your own?"
Keefe mustered up a confidence he didn't feel before replying.
"Of course! I'll be fine! You heard Alden, good as new by tomorrow!"
He threw in a smile to get them to buy it, but he could tell they weren't convinced. Afterall, his hands were still shaking, and the uncomfortable tightness in his gut was getting harder to hide.
Still, there wasn't much they could do about that, so after another doubtful look, courtesy of Biana, he was bid goodnight with a promise that they'd be right down the hall if he needed them.
He let his smile slip as they left and soon he was alone in the dark room with only himself for company. And he wasn't his favourite person right now.
He tried pacing the room to tire himself out, but that only made him more ansty, so he readied himself for bed with shaking hands and gritted teeth, and hoped that sleep would take him soon.
It didn't.
After five minutes of laying as still as possible, and worrying his lip to the point of bleeding (again), Keefe had to move. He was throwing the covers back and marching to the door before he even knew what came over him. He didn't know what he thought his plan was, but he knew he had to get out of this room.
His thoughts were a mess that even he himself couldn't decipher, disappearing as fast as he could form them. If I could just- no that won't work. But what if- where was Sophie sleeping? Would she still have the crystal? Was Dex-no. Would he? No.
Keefe shook his head, trying to dislodge the thoughts that had taken hold of his mind.
He was getting warmer, almost feverish, and the feel of the cold door handle as he wrapped his hand around it sent a shock through him.
Yes, he thought as he pulled. He could finally-.
The door didn't budge.
He pulled again.
It didn't move.
They'd locked it from the outside.
Keefe knew he should be relieved, his friends were only doing what he asked them to, and deep down he was grateful that they'd expected this and planned accordingly.
But That Keefe was buried deep right now. This Keefe was mad.
He shook the door handle again, as if pulling harder might make it open. When that didn't work, he backed up a couple paces and slammed himself into the door, which succeeded only in making his shoulder sore. He did it again anyway.
Keefe tried everything he could think of to get that door open, even going as far as to attempt to pry it open with his hands until his finger started to bleed.
He was only aware of the tears streaming silently down his face when he collapsed on the floor in a frustrated heap.
He didn't know how long he sat there, consumed in misery, but by the time he pulled himself out of it he hurt. His head was pounding, his eyes were swollen and raw, his whole body was stiff, and he was so, so tired.
He held his aching head in his hands and took a deep breath before slowly crawling to the bed.
He managed to heave himself up, and was soon curled up tightly, facing away from that wretched door.
He found himself numbly staring at the far wall for what felt hours, before slowly, finally, falling into a fitful sleep plagued by pain, longing, and those damn periwinkle eyes.

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