Chapter 6

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Takemichi's POV
Something..SOMETHING ELSE.i thought as I hid my face from the obvious blush what was I thinking..I'm dating I can't think of I looked back at him.. "I wanna go home.."I pouted to change the subject I guess.. "No way..I've seen your barely have a your staying here.."He said in response as I put my light weight on ..Mikey's bed.. "well what am I supposed to do then..?."I said it's not like I don't like spending time with's just being locked in a room doesn't sound like something fun.. "I know how about we go to this cafe..Emma's friends sister just opened it.."he said.i guess it sounded like fun..better then being locked here.."let's go .."h said as I was pretty hungry myself..weird right..?..I've never felt hungry in a while..well I chose not to eat since it didn't bother me and I was saving money.... "come on the I'll lead the way.."he said as he held my hand and pulled me all the way there..

Mikey's POV
I decided we can go to this cafe Emma talked about..she said there was all kinds of food..and ther isn't much she wanted me to go..I never really wanted to but I figured this was a good idea to keep Takemichy busy..I pulled him all the was close but it really.. we went in then I let go of his hand .. "I'll go order you stay right here okay.?.."i said leaving him..I figured he wanted something light so I got him some fries is he wanted more I could get him something..I'm getting the chicken nuggets..there absolute AMAZING plus I made Emma's friends sister make them to go with a flag just how I like it..I thought as I grabbed both of our orders and headed to where I tolls Takemitchi to wait..strange he wasn't there..maybe he went to the bathroom..I checked but nothing..I then went back to our place and sat down..I was thinking until..I saw blood..?..what was blood doing here..right there I got worried I slammed the food I've ordered and followed the trail of blood..((he payed he's not going to be like that)))I followed until the blood trail stopped ..and I saw..a keychain..?? our..our matching he couldn't have got taken..UGH I shouldn't have leave him alone..I thought as I looked around worried sight of him..I started to cry..this couldn't be happening..I called the groupechat..I called to meet at the spot RIGHT I waited it didn't take long for toman to come..I was never the type to scream.. "what's wrong Mikey why did you bring us here.."Matssun((sorry if i mispelled his name)) sais worried Draken looked worried too..I just looked at them and straight up told them some cared some didn't I didnt care .."YOUR GONNA FIND HIM NOW find any clues please.."I said almost breaking down infront of them..they scattered as I started to look around too..Takemichy..where are you.."

Takemitchi's pov
I waited..I waited for Mikey to take the order..and I stayed put as he said..I wonder what he ordered me..?...yeah ..I kept thinking until..until I felt a hit in the back of my was really hard on the area I got beat with the bat the most..after that I fell unconscious..            I woke up in a empty windows..just one door that had so much locks on it..I was tied up my legs my hands..everything hurt..what happened ..?..I thought until a guy came in trough the only door.. "well.well look who's awake.."the guy said and I instantly fell into a deep scared((basically he's really scared)) was him..I could never remember his name..but it's the guy who always .who used to hit me friends the guy with the bat I liked to call him...In that moment I wished Naoto was here to go back..but sadly he wasn't "don't look at me like were having so much fun yesterday.."he said .. "what do you"I said..really it just plopped out of my mouth.. "dont look confused do you really not remember z.."he said giggling..soon it all came back to me..what he did..all the pain came back ..tears rolled down my face..he did so many things to me..things that no kid should ever experience.. "ah now you remember I hit you weren't acting like a good kitten.."he said as I tried to not vomit..Mikey save me please..I begged as he canes to me and repeated yesterday..

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