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Dear Mom,

William and I spent the weekend after the dance together. We went to Pazzo's and got gelato, banana for me and moose tracks for him. We spent time at the park near the pier, talking while I drew him. He was so happily overwhelmed and impressed with it that it pushed me to draw more.

Finally, as Sunday night ended, we were hanging out at the pier; the very one where I'd told him I loved him.

"You've been a bit... preoccupied today. Something on your mind?" William asked, snapping me out of my gaze. I looked over to him quickly and nodded, a smile plastered on my face. He frowned. "Anne-Marcie, don't lie to me," he muttered, crossing his arms. I sighed.

"Okay, okay, don't get all huffy," I said quickly. He rolled his eyes but started smiling again. "It's just that... I saw my dad the other weekend and..." I stopped talking, looking back out at the ocean.

"And?" William asked. I turned to him, one eyebrow raised.

"Have I never told you about my real family history?" I asked, surprised that I'd never brought it up. He shook his head. I smiled softly. "Then I guess it's about time you knew.

"When I was little, my father and mother didn't have a very good relationship. It scared Rhea and I to pieces, for they would get into lengthy arguments and keep us up at night. They made us cry sometimes... I have a vivid memory of Rhea trying to calm me down enough to sleep, and a few minutes into it, my mom came in and sang to both of us until we were out," I recall, smiling a bit at the last bit.

"Anyway, one night, my dad really got going. He shoved my mom to the ground and she went to the hospital. She was pregnant with Bimini at this time, and luckily they were able to get her out alive. After all that my mom... left," I say, not elaborating.

"My aunt Sequoia cared for us for a few months before we were introduced to one of her very closest friends. He started coming and spending time with us almost every day. Eventually, Aunt Sequoia asked if we would be alright if he adopted us. We happily agreed. Thus, our new dad," I said, smiling as I finished. I turned to look at William, though I didn't have time before he embraced me.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled against my shoulder. "I never knew."

"Well, it's not a very common subject I bring up. Most people don't know I'm adopted," I say, hugging him back. We both pull back, me smiling, him smiling back. He looks at me meaningfully and I nod. He kisses me gently, running his hands across my back in circular motions. I relax into him, my body folding to accommodate him. We pull back again and stare at each other.

"Thank you."


I guess that's it... good-bye! Love you!

Anne-Marcie May


Oh my goodnes... can you all believe it's done?!? I sure can't! I remember starting this story!! I love these characters and their situation so much, and, ngl, I'm sad that the simple part of their story is over. Don't fret though! They have four more books! I'll be posting the start to the second book soon enough, so please be patient with me everyone!

I'm excited to continue with them! Check out my other stories and account! MericaleMereExtras

-Mere <3

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Where stories live. Discover now