24. Serious business

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Author’s note: let’s try to calm things down a little bit. I hope you like it.

Narrated by Lidy Laurent:

         I practically couldn't sleep last night.  Niko and I had no mood to continue the afterparty so we ended up heading back to his apartment. This time, I didn't have to sleep on that mattress in the messy room. In fact, Niko even asked me to take my things to his bedroom. It clearly shows that we have a commitment, which makes me happy - as unbelievable as that is.
         Niko and I are snuggling in his bed, watching whatever's on TV.  I don't understand a word they're saying, but at least it's a distraction for my mind.  What happened last night was a big misunderstanding and total shit.
         The flight back to Paris is scheduled for this afternoon, but I don't know if I or even Gaelle will board.  In fact, I didn't even pack my bags and it's already 11:56 in the morning.  I've tried to call Gaelle about a million times, but her cell phone is turned off.  Of course she won't want to talk to me anytime soon, but I tried.  I barely know what I would say to her if she answered me, or if a phone conversation is the best option.
         I hear the doorbell ring and my heart races when I think it might be her. I run to answer the door, not caring that I'm wearing only a T-shirt and panties.  Opening the door, I run into Aleksi. He looks extremely embarrassed to see me.

 “Oh my god, I'm sorry” I say, trying to hide my body.

 “Okay” he laughs, embarrassed “Gaelle asked me to get her things, can I come in?”

 "Sure! You know, the apartment is not mine, but make yourself comfortable”.

          Aleksi enters and goes to the messy room, where Gaelle's things are.  Quickly, I make my way to Niko's room and start looking for a pair of shorts through the mess in my suitcase.

 "It's her?"  Niko asks, referring to Gaelle.

 “No, it's Aleksi.  He came to get her things”.

 "Is she going to Paris?"  Niko gets up.

 "I don't know".

         I put on the first shorts I can find and decide to help Aleksi.  I pick up some items that were in the bathroom and give them to him, who thanks me.  Soon, Niko appears.

 "Hey man"  he says.

 "Hey, how are you doing?"  Aleksi greets him.

          They two hug each other quickly and I notice that Aleksi has a certain empathy for his friend.  Maybe he understands what's going on between Niko and me.

 "How is she?"  I ask.

 "Under control… She's probably still in bed by now".

 "Is she taking today's flight?"

 “No” Aleksi smiles, excited “She decided to stay here”.

 “Wait…” Niko interrupts, “You're saying she's staying for now or definitely?".

 "I think it's for real, brother. She's definitely staying here".

          I open a smile when I hear the news.  It seems that Gaelle really decided to put love in the first place and made the right decision.  Gaelle and Aleksi were made for each other and with each passing day I am even more sure of that.

 "Please don't start calling me brother!"  Niko says jokingly.

 “I love your sister, man.  The way things are going, I'm going to be your brother in law soon”.

 “Are you guys at this stage already?  Damn, so the business are serious”.

          Niko looks incredulous, which makes me laugh. Soon we're all laughing and I feel a little more relaxed.  I take advantage of the situation to ask Aleksi a few more questions.  If he really understands what's going on, I hope he can help me.

 "Do you think she'll want to talk to me soon?"  I ask.

 "I really don't know.  Gaelle is a bit sentimental and spiteful, so I think you'd better wait a little longer” he replies pleasantly.

 “Okay, you're right.  It will be difficult, but I will try”.

 "You like each other, don't you?"  Aleksi smiles.

 “Yeah man” Niko approaches me and smiles, which is extremely cute.

           With everything ready, Niko goes downstairs to help Aleksi carry things to the car.  I watch them through the window, and see them hugging each other before Aleksi gets into the car.  It's really cute to see the two of them together as brothers-in-law.  This will definitely bring them closer, and I'm happy for Gaelle.  I just hope I can be a part of it.


          Niko and I spent the day away from the rest of the world.  We hardly use our cell phones, we're just enjoying each other's company.  Obviously, I didn't take the flight to Paris, and it's weird to admit that I don't feel a little bit bad. In fact, it was the easiest decision I've ever made in my entire life.  I know I will have to go back soon, after all, my whole life is there.  But I won't do this without working things out with Gaelle.
         There's also another reason I didn't wanted to go home: Niko. Yes, I admit I'm here because of him.  I never thought a man could turn my life upside down like that.  I feel completely happy to have my life this messed up, which is funny.  Is this what it feels like to be in love?  If so, I'm totally crazy about Niko Vilhelm.
         I see Niko a little away from me, concentrating as he writes in his notebook.  I know his mind must be full of thoughts too and he's probably taking the opportunity to write some lyrics.
          I take advantage of being technically alone to reflect more on the latest events in a more rational way.  Yes, maybe I am in love.  But if I really am, what will I do?  Will I throw everything in the air like Gaelle did?  In my case, it would be easier for me to let go of the work, since I have my own studio and I'm my own boss.  But would I be able to establish myself professionally here in Helsinki?  I don't understand the finnish language at all.  Gaelle has tried to teach me but it's something that is hard for me to get it.
         I go back to watching Niko, and I feel a huge heat inside my chest.  It's something I've never felt before.  He's so beautiful it should be a sin.  I feel so silly that I end up smiling, just because I'm able to contemplate his beauty so closely, and able to taste his kiss, his touch… Ah, the wonderful ability to touch a woman that Niko has.  He really knows how to make me satisfied without too much effort.
          My daydreams are interrupted when I hear my phone ring.  It's Gaelle!  I take a deep breath and answer it.

 “Hi” I say.

 “Hi…” she sounds fearful.

 "How are you?".

 "We need to talk".

Author’s note: first of all, let’s celebrate the fact that Gaelle decided to stay in Finland. YAAAAY! Second, what do you guys think about Lidy’s feelings? Is she really in love? Let me know in the comments!

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