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act 1, chapter 6.b

by: _amaranthine02


quick A/N:

'(O/N)' means 'Other name'.
Just pick any name you want. You'll probably be using this name for a while in the following chapters.


With indistinct chatters and laughs, the Baroness' visitors made strolled towards the mansion. All we're wearing their beautiful gowns, masquerade masks, and dashing jewelry. As per agreement, all black and white.

A green, pest control van parked just right on the side of the road. A place where the two people, Jasper and Horace on the front seat can get a full view of the mansion and the visitors going in.

"All right, let's do it."

"Yeah. Let's go and ruin someone's day." Jesper touched the car handle, but was stopped by Horace's daily chatter.

"You mean the Baroness?"

Jesper took a pause of disbelief, looking directly at the distracted Horace. "Obviously, I meant the Baroness."

"Right." He breathed.

"Why? Who did you think I..."

"Well you said 'someone'. Someone could be anyone."

Jesper opens the car door, probably fed up. "Let's just do this, Horace."

Horace blows a raspberry, opening and stepping out of the car. Horace walks his way to the entrance and Jesper crawls in the back of the van. All with their seperate ways in their heist.

Meanwhile, two white-cloaked figures walked their way to the main entrance. Their arms enterwined, one with a cane in hand.


Inside the mansion, a woman with a camera waited a few feet far from the stairs behind her. She quietly looked at the visitors from there.

In time when she turned around, the Baroness was already walking down the stairs with her gorgeous Black and White gown. In her hand was a mask with a handle attached to it, and in the other side were the chains the three growling dalmatians were leashed onto.

The woman snapped a shot of them, the Baroness now walked closer to her.

"Miss Anita Darling."

"Baroness," she greets. "I'm so grateful you've given Tattletale an exclusive tonight."

"Not apparentley grateful enough to observe the dress code." The Baroness removes her pouch clipped from arm, revealing a blue stain bleeding from the tip.

"No color." She whispers.

"Well, my pen must've leaked. It's the tools of my trade." Anita tries to explain. The Baroness continued to strolled to the guests with her dogs, simply ignoring the girl.

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