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act 2, chapter 9

by: _amaranthine02


The car ride with the Baroness and Roger were all contained all sorts of rage and anger trapped inside the moving vehicle. The Baroness did create all of that, all were developed by her enraged aura, clear frown, and crossed arms, that gave Roger did have the right to sit on his chair awkwardly besides the woman. The poor man already had his sweat running down from his head.

"We need to sue them, for defamation. False imprisonment.  Vandalism or something."

Roger turns to the woman. "Well, having been through the statute and talked to the police, I don't know we have a legal avenue for..."

"I need you to stop talking, Roger."

Roger completely freezes, afraid. "You do?"

"So I have a gap, to fire you."

The man sat quietly, staring directly at the Baroness for no reason.

"There's a gap." She turned to him. "You're fired."

Roger steps down from the car as soon as it stops. The man only looked at the car pass by him, all left out alone. He was seen like a stray dog in the middle of the streets. All confused.

Roger always blames us for getting him fired, but the real reason he gets fired is because...he's Roger.


Anita Darling holds her compact mirror as she traces her waterline with her black pencil eyeliner. Greatly focusing on her reflection.

A sudden, light thud of paper was heard from the front of her desk. She stopped, looking at the newspaper, then above.

"You'll need more than eyeliner, you plain little thing."

The Baroness points out, behind her were her two guards, standing straight and stern.

"You do however, have an eye for a good shot." The woman added, looking down at the journalist with such amount of distaste.

"Baroness." Anita greets, not happily although. She said it in a way in almost a sigh.

"Who are they? And more importantly, where are they?"

Anita shrugged her shoulders cooly, "I don't know."

The Baroness takes her shades off with both of her hands, glaring directly at her. "Did you just lie to me?"

"I-I...No, I-"

"Don't cry."

Anita blurts a scoff, "I'm not."

The journalist's smile turned upside down, while the Baroness gave her a sick, smile that made her stomach churn.

"You will."

She places her shades back to her face, leaving from Anita's sight with a malicious chuckle.

The guards followed her, lastly. Giving Anita some sort of glare.

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