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act 2, chapter 10

by: _amaranthine02


"Night. Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

Says Artie from below, turning the desk lamp off. "Play nice guys."

The loud sound from Horace's tv were all around the room. Although, they didn't mind.

Jesper looks down, sniffing. "Night."

"Goodnight, Artie." (Y/n) calls too, two warm cups of coffee in her hands given and made by Jesper. The other one was for Cameron.

The two of them created a plan to probably trick his mind in being nicer. Probably using reverse psychology or a magic trick to get him a bit nicer to them.

Well, the girl was actually pleased by it. The thoughts of the kind Eron coming back brought her joy in the pits of her heart.

So, after a couple of practicing what to do and say, she confidently walked her way towards him. Placing the cup of coffee in the end of his desk for less chances to wet his papers in case it'll spill.

The girl sits on the chair by the side composedly. Sipping on her coffee, hoping her presence gathers all Cameron's attention.

Cameron looks at her, then back to his papers.


(Y/n) gives a sigh before she answers, "Well, the boys and I. We miss Eron."

The Dalmatians gave a huge bark over a sudden happening on tv. Horace giving a loud cheer for the football team he was heading with.

Cameron looks at the dogs with evil wonder.

"They really would make fabulous coats."

(Y/n)'s serious expression turns to worry. As well as Buddy, turning to him with a fearful expression.

"The dogs?"

Cameron rolls his eyes, and there came his deep, wicked chuckle coming from him. "I'm joking."

"You know what I miss?" He asks. Not looking up from his work. "(Y/n) who had a sense of humor."

(Y/n) scoffs, "Right."

Cameron gave her a sickly sweet smile.

She continues. "You know, we all have bad things happen to us. Me, them, you. But we've always been there for each other."

"Thats all i'm asking. Is it so hard to back me up?"

"No. Not Eron, that's easy, but Cameron?.." She pauses. "It's a nightmare."

"And there's that understatement thing that you do." Horace notes from his couch. Twirling his finger in the air as he explains.

"Cameron gets things done." He snaps. "Eron does not, and I have things to do."

(Y/n) gazes on the floor in defeat.

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