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Thank you so much for the people who took time reading this, people who were patient when my updates were long as hell, a quintillion loves and thank you's to all of you!

From the first time I watched Cruella, I was really fascinated over the beauty and the magnifique amazingness in the movie. It kind of even changed my fashion style, actually.

I've written fanfiction for the most of my teen life, most of them are really cringy, bad and AWFULLY embarrasing. My 11 year old self did not learn very much of grammar and writing by then since I live in a country where English is a second language for us.

So, I made this fic as a sort of 'debut' for my improvement, from just reading Psychological thriller books and Umbrella Academy fanfics, watching some tv shows as an emotional stabilizer, I grew from there and wrote this fanfic with all of my spite, rage and teenage angst.


Since acknowledgements are over, here are the things in my mind that are related to Partners in Crime and the thoughts and imagines I had while I was on the process of writing it. Enjoy! ☆

- I've been thinking about this a lot and its been stuck to me from the end to beginning: Cameron is a **BAD** driver.

- But he's a great cook/baker, actually. Being Jesper's assistant on baking stuff like cookies.

- Jasper and Horace were his wingmen since 16

- I imagine Nathan Young (Robert Sheehan) as Cameron in a real life version. And AAAAAAA.

- And of course... Divus Crewel from Twisted Wonderland. 😳😳😳😳

- And if you all didn't notice: Cameron's name is dedicated to Cameron Boyce (1999-2019), Carlos de Vil's actor in Decendants. He will be missed ♡.

- The four would literally SLAY holloween with their costumes.

- I imagine Jesper listening to I'm a survivor by Reba McEntire and just being a stressed mom of three.

- A thing that these four would possibly share: Bad jokes and pick up lines.

- I've been daydreaming about an Alternate Universe where (Y/n) didn't accept Cameron in the Fountain scene. Then like, them meeting after a few years of ignoring and moving on and the story functioning into some type of Enemies to Lovers (?) sorta thing. idEk

- My favorite chapter would be 'A Key To A Horrible Revelation'. I was so HAPPY writing that and basing the chapter by my favorite song in the entire world. My cheeks hurted from grinning alot as I was writing that TvT.

- These were the supposed names for Cameron that I planned even before writing the whole story...


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yEAH... that's it..

If you want more you can ask me below in the comments, i'll answer many as I possibly can!

Thank you, again. And see you on the announcement!!! 👀👀👀

-ˋˏ  PARTNERS IN CRIME - C. DE VIL  ˎˊWhere stories live. Discover now