Chapter 6- Promise?

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"Promise me you will never leave me""I promise"_________________________

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"Promise me you will never leave me"
"I promise"

Taehyung's POV

I woke up with a tingling feeling of sunlight peeping over through the curtains making it impossible for me to open my eyes.

I rubbed the blurriness of my eyes and adjusted to the sunlight and then the events from yesterday came to my mind giving me throbbing heartache.

My eyes got teary and I couldn't believe any of it. It was too heart wrenching for me. It made me feel numb.

Smell of my favourite pancakes made me stand on my feet and go towards it.

There stood my bunny cooking our breakfast looking ever so hot. I tiptoed to him and hugged his waist. His heartbeat making me ever so calm. Just listening to it made my mind at peace.

No one's Pov

"Good morning love" Jungkook said smiling widely.

"Good morning kookie, did you sleep well? Does it hurt anywhere? Should I apply something? Why are you standing here? I told you to rest right? Why don't you eve- mhh". Taehyung was interrupted by Jungkook kissing him ever so sweetly making him shut up.

"Why did you do this"? He asked shyly biting his lips and hiding himself in his hands because of embarrassment.

"You speak a lot babe. I'm completely fine. And I don't need anything. You took care of me very well. I love you lots!" Jungkook replied pecking taehyung's face leaving no place untouched.

Taehyung giggled and wrapped his arms around Jk's neck hugging him tightly as if his life depended on him.

"Let's eat breakfast, okay?" Jungkook said.

They made their way to the dining table and started enjoying their morning.

After some time.....

"Kookie, don't you have to go to work today?" Taehyung sighed.

"No bub, I took a leave today. I'll stay with you okay?" Jungkook grinned.
He made tae sit on his lap and started stroking his hair ever so slightly making him feel relaxed.

"Bub, can you tell me why were you crying yesterday?" Jungkook asked

Taehyung looked at him with tears in his eyes but started telling him about his dream.

After explaining everything.....( Cause this person is really lazy )

Taehyung was weeping uncontrollably. He was sitting with his knees intact with his body and made him self like a ball. Jungkook was worried. Patting his back, pecking his forehead, and saying sweet things in his ears made him calm down a little bit.

"Tae, listen to me bub. It was just a bad dream okay? You should not take it seriously. I will never leave you my boo. I love so much that I can't even imagine a life without you. Don't worry okay? Nothing will happen to me. I will take care of myself and you are there for me right?" Jungkook stated and asked in the last.

"Of course dummy. I will be there for you forever. I love you too much to leave you all alone" Taehyung answered chuckling a bit.

"Then it's settled. We both will be fine. Something like this will not happen. But if you kill me someday because of your cuteness, then I can't guarantee leaving you now can I? Jungkook laughed.

Taehyung playfully hit his chest and hid his face in the crook of his neck inhaling his calm scent.

Jungkook chuckled and pulled him on to his lap.

"Promise me Jungkook, that you will never leave your tae." Taehyung pouted.

"I promise, my love." Jungkook answered cupping his face and kissing him softly.

"Now, you won't like to sit here all day right? Let's do something shall we?" Jungkook smirked and lifted Taehyung up and went to their bedroom.

To be continued........

A/n- hi guys! I'm here with an update. Sorry for not updating. I have my exams and I need to study a lot actually so I will not be able to update regularly.
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Love you! ❤️

 Do vote and comment! 💜Love you! ❤️

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They look so handsome!!! 💜🙈

Proud of my boisss! ❤️😭

I'll go now.

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