Chapter 8~ Aftercare and daegu?

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No one's Pov

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No one's Pov

After a whole hour of bathing together and eating their faces they came out of the bathroom.

It was almost afternoon so Jungkook thought of making something for his love.

"Baby, would you like to eat japchae?" He asked Taehyung who was watching TV lazily sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Kooks, you know it is my favourite. I would love to eat it." Taehyung replied.

"Sure bun, if you wanna sleep you can. I'll wake you up when I'll make the food." Jungkook sighed.

Hearing an okay he made his way towards the kitchen and started preparing their lunch.

Time skip to lunch.....

Jungkook's POV

After making our lunch I went to check on tae but when I went there he was not there. 'Where did he go?' I thought. I went to check in our bedroom. He was not there. I checked almost everywhere when I heard a noise coming from our guest bathroom. I rushed to see what happened.

There stood my bub breathing heavily while sticking his face in the sink while puking. I snapped out of my thoughts and went to rub his back.

"What happened love? Are you fine? Why are you here? Should we call the doctor?" I asked worried.

"K-kook, I d-don't know. I had the same n-nightmare and I-i felt like puking." Taehyung said gasping with tears in his eyes.

"You're fine bub, come here. Let's eat yeah? You should eat first. That might help okay. And don't worry about the nightmare. We'll do something about it okay?" I assured.

"Come let's go" I continued and we went to eat our food.

No one's Pov

"It's yum kookie. Thank you for making it." Taehyung giggled.

"No problem bun, glad you liked it. After this we can watch a movie and cuddle okay? Would you like that?"

"Ofcourse!" Taehyung exclaimed smiling widely and Jungkook just chuckled and pecked his forehead.

Isn't it beautiful? Just spending time with the person you love, wanting this moment to slow down. But, can it be forever? I don't think so.


Time skip to evening.....

Jungkook's Pov

We were cuddling on the couch when my phone rang. I decided to ignore it but it rung again and again. 'Who dared to disturb us now?' I thought irritated by the rings. I saw the caller ID and sighed.

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