Chapter 14~ Kidnapped?

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'Finally I can make you mine Taehyung. I'm coming to take you baby' he thought in his mind with the odd smirk still on his face.


Present time....

No one's Pov

It was a normal day for the Jeons. Jungkook waking up at 6, doing his morning routine, making breakfast for both of them and waking up Taehyung which is the most time taking task.

Taehyung would not wake up immediately. He would slightly open his eyes to see his kookie and then pounce on him, hugging him like a koala and asking for cuddles and kisses and who is Jungkook a whipped one to deny this.

This would take atleast an hour when Taehyung sadly decides to get up.

They both went to eat their breakfast and then Jungkook left for his work shortly after.

Taehyung was now left all alone. He was not afraid of being alone but he knew he would get bored.

It was 1pm when Taehyung decided to take a short nap because of tiredness.

On the other side....

"Has Jeon left the house?" The bold voice asked once again.

"Yes sir, I have prepared your car too. All other things are in there aswell. You can tell me if you need anything else." His secretary answered.

"Good, now let's go shall we? Wouldn't like to wait to see my baby boy now would I?" He smirked and left his place.


At the Jeons....

Taehyung was still asleep when he heard the clattering of glass. It was loud which made Taehyung jerk up with fear.

He stood up and took a pocket knife from the nightstand.
(Don't ask me why would someone keep a pocket knife on a nightstand. It's just for safety purposes okay?)

He slowly made his way towards the noise when suddenly two hands crept on his waist making him freeze in fright.

"How are you baby boy?" The mysterious person asked.

"W-who are you?" Taehyung uttered in fear.

"Someone" he said. "Someone who wants to have you all by himself, someone who wants to call you his, someone who is disgusted by the fact that you are Jeon's." He continued and took something out from his pocket.

"Stop it, get away from me you dipshit. You continue speaking like this, dead cells might come from your mouth." Taehyung sassed.

"You are something, aren't you? But it won't last for long." The other male said and draped the handkerchief on Taehyung nose.

Taehyung tried to speak which led him to intake the chloroform and he got knocked out.

"It was easy now wasn't it? You should have listened to me before. Now wait for me I have to leave something here first and then we'll go yeah?" The male smirked and took about 5 minutes more until he was  taking the unconscious body with him.

After sometime....

Jungkook's POV

'Worried' might not be the right word of how I was feeling right now. My heart was beating out of my chest, my uneven breathing and an expression of fear crawling in my heart.

'Where is Taehyung?' was the question going on in my mind from the past hour.

I was at my office but something felt off. Usually Taehyung would call me saying he is bored or he misses me but today was nothing like that. There wasn't a single call from his side which made me a little bit worried.

'Let's go check at home okay? He might be there. He might be asleep, nothing else ' I thought to myself and then made my way to our home.

After some time....

I walked up to the house only to be met with an open door. I was now extremely terrified. I knew he wouldn't keep the door unlocked so I went in.

The house was dark with nothing but my erratic breathing sound. The once lively and gleaming house was now silent like anything. I knew something was surely wrong.

I checked everywhere, calling Taehyung a million times only to be met with a short note by the kitchen shelf.

I took it in my shivering hands. I took some deep breaths to make myself stable enough, I started to read it.

"I have your Taehyung or should I say my. You wanna see him for the last time come to this address or just imagine him being fucked by me, both will work for me. You lost Jeon, you lost."
~ B

"Ahhhhhhh" I screamed. I knew something like this could have happened.

I took my gun with several bullets and rushed to the place.

At the place....

I ran out of my car only to be met with a dark alleyway.

It was lit enough for me to see through it. I started walking shouting taehyung's name when I heard some shouts.

I ran inside the warehouse and saw my bub tied with a rope and a gun pointed on his forehead laying unconscious. I could feel his face painted with dried up tears and cuts.

Tears started to build in my eyes but I thought to keep my self emotionless. I was extremely angry now. The fire to kill the person who did this was erupting in me like anything.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. The veins popping out on neck, arms and head. Oh I was so ready to kill someone right now.

"Oh, you're finally here. Long time no see Jeon" a voice chuckled darkly in the background.

I know this voice I thought.

"You forgot me so easily?" He laughed

And that was the moment I remembered of who he was.

'Bogum' I whispered.

To be continued.....

A/n- hey guys! What do you think about this plot twist? I hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry if I did any mistakes.
Do vote and comment!
Love you! ❤️

I'll go now, byeee!

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