Chapter 15~ The Past

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'Bogum' I whispered.


Jungkook's POV

That name disgusts me. His presence itself triggers something inside of me which makes me want to end his life the next moment. I would not let him do that to me again.

"What are you thinking of Jungkook? That how do I get everything I want or how I steal everything from you so easily?" Bogum laughed.

"You're just a motherfucking asshole who is so full of shit, even the toilet’s jealous of you dude. You're such a pain in the ass.  Can't you just get out of my life forever? And if you think I forgot what you did, then you should know that I never did and I never would. You snarky little bitch" Jungkook barked back.

"Who got your tongue now huh? Or it got stuck in the slimy pussy of your girlfriend or should I say a slut. Might aswell turned you gay too." He continued and laughed.

Bogum was ashamed inside.

"Your girlfriend came to me, I didn't say anything to her." Bogum whispered in fear because of the cold gaze looking at him.



Jungkook was on his way to his girlfriend's apartment. He wanted to talk to her because Shin Hye was ignoring him for a while and wasn't telling the truth either.

He reached at her apartment and didn't even try to knock because he was quite upset by her behaviour.

He went inside and saw a pair of shoes lying there. 'They sure are of a boy' he thought.

He eventually walked inside seeing clothes lying on the floor.

He knew it what was happening, he knew he should be sad but no, he was fuming with anger.

He sped his pace and went inside Shin Hye's room only to find her riding another boy and that boy was non other than 'Park Bogum'.

Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. He was devastated. He didn't believe that after all his girlfriend had the audacity to cheat on her after being together for almost 2 years.

He was staring at them when Bogum saw him standing and smirked. He pulled Shin Hye's hair kissing her and she did the same.

Jungkook took a step back and rushed out. This was the reason why he got into mafia. This was the reason why he turned cold and heartless. But then Taehyung came as a light in his dark world making him forget everything. He loves him to death and he wouldn't let anyone take him away from him at all costs.

*Flashback End*

"Do you think I would believe this bullshit? You did everything intentionally. I still remember how you kissed her in front of me." Jungkook snarled.

Bogum then took out his gun and pointed it at Jungkook.

"You know, you're right. I liked her too much and she even agreed to be my slut." Bogum replied.

"Tskkk, you're such a kid." Bogum continued.

He filled the gun with a bullet and targeted Jungkook.

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