Chapter Six

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To protect themselves from the murderous onslaught of Iku's Offsprings and to create safe spaces of refuge from them, humans got powerful Babalawos and Mamalawo's to cast aabo (protection) spells over their houses. This prevented Iku's Offsprings from entering any space with the spell cast over it. The plan failed very quickly as Iku's Offsprings, ever sharper than tacks got other stronger Babalawos and Mamalawos to break the protection spells. Because of this, one of the clauses in the agreement between Humans and Iku's Offsprings stipulated that the punishment for a Vampire and the Aje/Alufa who assisted him to breach or attempt to breach a house protected by an aabo spell was death upon confirmation.

Following this, land/house owners got their properties fortified by aabo spells. This locked vampires out of most towns, cities and even spaces. They could no longer move around freely as sometimes whole regions or streets would have aabo spells over them.

Once again, Humans would underestimate the cunningness of Iku's Offsprings whose only source of survival was the essence of life in their blood. To get people to stop fortifying their houses, Iku's Offsprings sold a myth that would span generations, until eventually aabo spells were all but extinct. The myth spun that Iku's Offsprings could not enter a house or property without invitation whether the house was fortified by an aabo spell or not.

I sensed the spell before I reached Omote's gate and so I didn't bother trying to follow her in. The aabo spell over the house was strong. Looking around the house, I found that strange because I could tell that the house was new. Only a few old houses had remained fortified in spite of the myth. The energy radiating from the spell indicated that it had been cast by a woman. Whether she was a Mamalawo or an Aje I couldn't tell, but whichever she was, she was strong.

I tried one more time to hear what was going on behind the Big Brown Gates that posed as an obstacle between me and what I'd hoped would be my last meal of the night. My fangs had retracted and now my lips comfortably curled into a frown when I realized that not only was I barred from entering, I couldn't hear anything going on inside the compound at all. I could hear pulses and voices three houses away from where I stood but standing right in front of Omote's gate, I could hear neither word nor pulse from the house. The hairs on my neck rose to attention in awareness. The aabo spell over the house was strong. It had definitely been cast by a very powerful Mamalawo or Aje. The tall, bodied woman whose pulse and legs for days had caught my attention at the wedding and aabo spell or not, I'd find way to drink her. With that thought, I feel the familiar mush of my bones becoming light as a feather as I fizz away like smoke in the face of heavy wind, becoming one with the night.

"There is a house," I drawled from where I stood on the balcony watching the half moon rise from between the clouds to rule over the night sky, "It sits 394 houses from here in the Upper Adesuwa Axis. I could not enter this house. A strong aabo spell cast by a Mamalawo or Aje prevented me from entering. I also could not hear anything inside the house, neither voice nor pulse." I finished without turning to address the Alufa that stood behind me.

"This house you speak of is under the protection of the 2nd seat of Awon Agbalagba (The Wise and Formidable Elders.) A combat warlock, ida oloju meji (Double Edged Sword) is here."

This was news to me. The famed combat warlock, ida oloju meji, borne to the house of the 2nd seat of Awon Agbalagba. In the hierarchy of leadership, the Awon Agbalagba was the immediate council above the heads of Coteries. Members of the council and their household were usually of the order of aje. Warlocks/witches or babalawo/mamalawo. However, 319 years before I turned, the council saw the birth of the first combat warlock, the famed ida oloju meji. I'd met her a handful of times in combat usually on the same side and I am actually excited to meet her again.

I nod a dismissal in the direction of the alufa, my thoughts quickly becoming occupied with the tall woman from the wedding. I could feel my fangs extending in response to the thought of sinking into her neck. My body tensed at the unbidden image of her Coffee Brown slender body beneath me while I feed on the essence of life in her blood. Her height would bring the experience to near perfection. I have to meet her again.

The plot thickens!!!! Unku Femi wants to drink Omote's blood 😩😩 may we not meet blood suckers in this life o!!!

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@tallgirlruki I kept my word 🤗🤗

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