Chapter Fifteen - Femi

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"Omote, why would you blow me off to go out with another man? I thought we had something going on?" I say, taking her palms into mine, staring straight into her eyes, doing my best to look hurt.

We're standing outside the gate of her house because I still can't go into the house.

"I feel like apologising but I have nothing to be sorry about. We've been going out for two months and since then, tonight was the first time you've shown any romantic interest in me and it had nothing to do with me. It was because of another man." She huffed, pulling her hands out of mine and turning away from me.

I reach out to hold her shoulder and turn her back to face me. "It may seem that way to you but when I called you my woman tonight, I meant it. You've been mine since the day I met you. I'm still catching up to that reality and for that, you'll have to forgive me."

She's facing me now but her eyes are not. I cup her jaw with my palm and raise her face so her eyes meet mine. I realise my mistake almost instantly because she clearly thinks I am going to kiss her. I would have. By iku! I would have. She looks so good in this short red dress. Her lips are pursed just right. She's the perfect height. I don't have to bend too low to capture her lips. The image pops up in my minds eye and I'm almost knocked out by the strong desire to taste her. But I cannot kiss her. I cann—

Soft lips touch mine and I am momentarily stunned. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer and I have to fight the urge to groan. I feel her tongue push at my lips seeking entrance and stunned, I open my lips. I shouldn't have. The response is instantaneous. I am a man possessed. I wrap my arms around her back and lower waist and pull her in so tight, air cannot pass through if it tried. My tongue finds its way into her mouth as I deepen the kiss. By all the orishas! Either it has been too long since I kissed someone or Omote is an excellent kisser. That thought provokes me because to be an excellent kisser, you must have had many lessons. She has been kissing other men. The thought that she might have kissed that thing she went out with tonight had I not intercepted the date flashes through my mind and I see red!

My kisses trail from her lips to her neck. I continue kissing down until she moans. Vampires are usually cold but the heat that rises within me in response to the sweet sounds of pleasure she makes could rival a burning furnace. I have forgotten where we are. I have forgotten what time or day it is. All I care about now is hearing her go from moaning to full on screaming my name. My fingers find their way to the zip of the dress she's wearing and just as I begin to unzip her, a car drives by. Shock pushes us away from each other.

"I... Omote, I am so sorry. I don't... I don't know what came over me."

I look at her and notice that she doesn't look sad or angry. She's practically begging me with her eyes to finish what I started and a fresh wave of remorse hits me. If I had tried to sleep with her here on the road with people watching, she would not have objected because of the link. None of this is her. None of this is real. I can't believe I got so carried away in the heat of the moment.

"Femi I..."

I cut her short because I'm sure whatever she was going to say had something to do with asking me to finish what we had started.

"Omote, I think you should go in now. I'll see you tomorrow."

"But I, we..." She pauses. "Wait Femi. I think I'm starting to get it. You don't want me that way? Is that it? You're attracted to me but not sexually? Is that why you're taking your time with this? Trying to burn your interest in me so you can move on to someone you're actually attracted to?"

"Omote that makes no sense."

"To you it doesn't! But to someone who is used to men finding her attractive but wishing she came in a different body, specifically a different height, It does make sense!" She replies, agitation etched all over her features.

"What do you mean different height?" I'm genuinely confused because why would I wish she was a different height? Her height is perfect for me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't play dumb."

"Omote, I have no idea what you're talking about. I am asking you to go in because I almost had sex with you on the road, outside your gate in the virtual middle of the night. If that car hadn't passed when it did, we would have both been on the floor screaming each other's names as we chased our orgasms. Is that what you wanted? " I asked, furious.

"Well, when you put it like that." She says, my words sobering her up.

"So please. Go inside, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Why should I go inside? We can go to your place or we can go to a hotel."

I know it's the link talking but still, I'm irked that she would throw herself so easily at a man she met all of two months ago.

"No! Go inside."

"Okay, goodnight Femi." She says drily before she bends to pick up her purse from the floor. It probably fell in the heat of the moment.

"Goodnight Omote."

As she walks towards the gate, she turns back to me and says, "I'm sure my night would have had a better ending, no, a happier ending if I had stayed with Osaremen instead of following you home."

I sneer at her. Forcing my fangs to stay in place. "I don't do jealousy Omote. Mention his name or any other man again and we're done. Link be damned, you'll never see me again."

"For us to be done, we would have to have started in the first place no?"

"Oh, you don't get it. We have started. You are mine. My woman."

"Really? I missed the part where you asked. Flowers and dinner. I missed that part."

"Well, I've put the cart before the horse." I pull her back into my arms. "You, Omotekoro, are my woman. Mine. No one else's. If it's flowers and dinner you want, flowers and dinner you'll get but that is serenren. You are already mine."


Shout out to Victory_Nicole

*Fans self!!! Is it hot in here or is it just me??????

I think the lines are already blurring for Femi, what do you think??

Hi guys, if you're enjoying the book please Vote, Comment and Share. Y'all's comments give me morale to finish this story frfr 🥲🥲🥲🥲

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