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2018, LA.

Claire facetimed Joshua as soon as she saw her brother's texts

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Claire facetimed Joshua as soon as she saw her brother's texts. "Are you freaking kidding me right now? You're like seriously serious? Like you're ACTUALLY going to the Radio Disney Music Awards?! You better not be kidding me Josh!" The boy cut her off before she could ask the same question in differently phrased statement again, "Yes, yes and yes! I'm actually going Claire!"

The siblings continued their conversation with a lot of excitement and rejoice over the fact that at least one of them was getting to go the event that they'd been following since the year it had started. Being hardcore disney fans, it was a pretty huge deal for them.

Suddenly Claire noticed that his brother's brown eyes that were beaming with joy were now replaced with a significant amount of guilt and sadness. Upon being repeatedly asked by Claire as to what was wrong, he finally caved in and let it out. "I'm so sorry that I cannot bring any of you guys along with me.. I know how big of a fan of Disney all six of us are and I just hate not being able to share it with you guys." "Jojo listen to-" Joshua cuts her off and continues to verbalize himself, "I promise I'll work a lot harder and share all this excitement with you guys in person, one day. I'm just really sorry that I'm unable to do any of it right now.." he trails off.

Claire's heart breaks upon hearing those words escape his mouth. She feels the absolute need to tell him how differently she really feels. "Jojo look at me, come on" she starts off but the boy's head is still hung low. That makes her don a more affirmative voice as she continues, "Joshua. Taylor. Bassett. I say this on behalf of our entire family that all of us are extremely proud of you. You've already been in a couple of commercials, are on a freaking disney show and living without your family in LOS ANGELES for god's sake! You are literally the most hardworking seventeen year old there is. I know you're meant for far greater things and soon enough they'll be coming your way because you freakin' deserve it. Until then, always remember that you make us prouder with each passing day. You're the best brother any of us could've asked for, I love you big bro."

Joshua's heart was filling up with all the love there is and tears started making his vision blurry. "I love you more, lil sis. You know you're quite mature for a fifteen year old, right?" Was all he managed to say with a chuckle before his voice cracked from all the emotions he was feeling. "Damn Claire, you really know how to make me a hundred times better, huh." "And that's why I'm your best bud." She finished his sentence with pride. The boy chuckled and nodded with a big yes. An even bigger smile stayed lingering on his face after they had to hung up when Claire's director declared that it was time to get back to her rehearsals.

On the day of the RDMAs.
Joshua's POV.

Okay so tonight is THE night. I haven't stopped thinking about this event since days now. As I'm getting ready in front of my mirror, all I can think of are the things that could go down tonight. Well I left one big thing to think about though, but that's for later. I decided to wear my black bottoms with a simple black tee and added a colourful graphic blazer with a bit of sparkles on it, to pull the whole look together. I didn't wanna look overdressed so kept it pretty fun and casual. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my phone that's been constantly buzzing with multiple text messages popping up.

 I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my phone that's been constantly buzzing with multiple text messages popping up

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I smile looking at how the excitement level of my friends and family is the same as mine

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I smile looking at how the excitement level of my friends and family is the same as mine. Anyway, Lucas is gonna be here any minute so I better get going. I look into the mirror for the final time, running my fingers through my curls to keep them in place. If I would've known what was gonna happen later tonight, boy would I have paid more attention to my hair and face.

We finally reached the venue and made our way towards the red carpet to pose for the cameras, as instructed by the publicists. After experiencing those blinding camera flashes, we made our way further down the carpet where we saw two teenage girls hosting the red carpet. They seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out who exactly. I have a feeling they're the leads of a disney show though. Nonetheless, I greeted them with hugs and they started asking us about who we're most excited to see perform tonight. Julie answers saying Janet Jackson and when they come to me, I talk about Charlie Puth as I really like him as an artist and was looking forward to see him perform live. They turn to Maria and hearing her answer sent shivers down my spine and I stood there with disbelief.

Holy shit! Sabrina Carpenter is going to be here? Live?


Updated a day early than scheduled cause I was too excited to share this with y'all!
Oops sorry for leaving it midway but this chapter was going longer anyway and I wanted this segment to have it's own moment😬.
I'm really sorry if you're feeling like I'm dragging out unnecessary details but I want to highlight the relationships of the lead with different people as well, other than just keeping it a cheesy romantic story. I could be wrong also so please let me know in the comments in you feel otherwise. Please vote and comment your opinions. It really helps me stay motivated.
Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

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