Hold On Till May

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Every girl dreams of her wedding. Having that long dress and having her supportive Dad walking her down the isle to the man of her dreams. Or having everyone in the rooms eyes all on you just for a split second. I wanted to dream. Dreams were where I was free. 

I woke up on the hard cot,in the basement where I slept. It was around ten in the morning,and I had bags under my eyes from having restless nights of sleep. I slipped on a pair of my slippers,and wrapped my robe around my shoulders. I creeped up the stairs,to open the door. The door lead to the kitchen,where I hopped no one was awake. I walked to the fridge to grab a glass of orange juice when I heard a sound. "What the hell are you wearing?" Pam asked. 

Pam is my Mom,But I was to call her Pam,never Mom. She was always to judgemental. She had a strong hate for me,but I could never figure out why. One day I will be far far away from her,but it's not coming soon enough. "I'm just getting something to drink." I replied. "Go get dressed. You look hideous." 

Her words hurt. They hurt more then the way Richard beats me. Richard is my Dad. I was also to call him Richard,never Dad. I walked downstairs to take a shower,and to slip on some decent clothes.

Once I was finished,I ran upstairs to watch some television. My life was so dull and boring,but I had only one more year left until I was considered an adult and I could move away. I layed on my back,flipping through the channels when Richard walked past. "Are you going to the the laundry?" He asked. "I'll do them later,I'm just going to watch this show." I replied. I was so scared of him. I just wanted to cry everytime his eyes met mine. His voice was so deep and threatning. "I suggest you do them now." He snapped back. "Whatever." 

It was noon,and I had made a nice dinner for Pam and Richard. They never cooked,I was always the one to cook and clean while they worked long hours,and if it wasn't to their standards I was beaten. I just didn't like the feeling of being threatend.

The meal was set on the table,and the glasses were filled when they walked through the door. "I made dinner." I said,standing up to reassure them. "I'm not blind." Pam said,sitting down. "I never said you were." I said. 

Dinner was silent. Pam was on her laptap and eating at the same time,while Richard was watching the television and eating. "You know,I'm getting real tired of doing all of this for you guys when I never get a thank you." I said,standing up to clear my plate. "What did you say?" Pam said,throwing her fork down. "Nothing." I said,washing off the plate. "Richard." Pam said in a kind voice. "Now." She said. Richard began to stand up and walk twords me. "No,I'm sorry!" I yelled,Grabbing hold of the sink. I didn't want to be beat again. I was so stupid to say that. Richard had me in his arms,pulling me to the bedroom. "I can't wait to get away from the both of you!" I screamed,trying to pull away from his grip.

I was laying on my cot,rubbing the scratches and bruises from being beaten. I just couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to run away. I got up quietly,and grabbed every piece of clothing I could and stuffed it into my bag. 

I grabbed ahold of the window and pushed it open,and threw my bag out first,then climbed out. I didn't know where to run to first,but I was just ready to leave. 

I was on the highway,and cars were flying by fast. My makeup was running,and I began to wipe it with my jacket sleeve. I was tired,and I didn't know where I was going to stay the night. I walked up to the brick wall,and slide down it and layed my bag beside me. I was homeless. But being homeless was better then being with Richard and Pam. I couldn't go back now. Not now,or ever. If I went back,they would kill me. I put my face into my hands,and the tears just started pouring. 

I woke up to the sound of a loud band playing,and I was curious to where it was coming from. I sat up,and brushed the dirt off my back. I ran up the street,getting closer and closer to the sound of the music. The voice of the man singing sounded like an angel. I wanted to hear more. 

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