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Rose POV

Next day

  The doorbell rang.

" I'll get it" Louis' voice echoed from the living room while Harry and I were busy cooking breakfast.

" Who could that be?" Harry mumbled while cutting some carrots.

" Hey guys"

I looked up and saw Hailey walking into the kitchen with her dressed up in a jogging outfit.

" Hey Hailey" I greeted her.

" Hey Rose, good morning" she ruffled my already hair that was scattered in so many places.

" Such a pleasure to have you here this morning" Harry smiled at her.

" Yeah, I guess I could say the same... Was just jogging by then decided to say hello to my folks" she panted. " By the way, where are the others? Liam, Zayn, Niall and Glenn...I already met Louis by the door" she nodded, out of breath.

Harry chuckled then handed her a cup of water in which she drank gracefully.

" The rest are still asleep... It's still 7am" Harry replied.

" Ah, that explains it... Well I've got news" she said, sitting on one of the stools beside me.

" What news?" I asked.

" I have a job interview today and I have to get prepared for it" she beamed up with a bright smile.

" Omg really? That's great news" I said.

" Yeah and it's an interview with one of the best companies around" she smiled.

" Well, I guess I could say...I'm happy for you and I also wish you good luck" Harry told her.

" Thank you so much guys. I really appreciate it, I have to go now.... The interview starts by 8, tell the sleepyheads I said hey" she giggled at the last part.

" We will" I laughed then gave her a hug before Harry did the same thing. Then we saw her off, before returning to our cooking.


Glenn POV

I yawned and stretched out my body as I got out of bed. I really had a nice sleep considering the fact that it's been a long time since I ever slept on a bed so soft and comfy. I felt so royal.

I did my morning routine and got dressed, letting my wet hair dry out on its own. God knows how lazy I am to blow dry my hair and besides that, I was starving.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs, seeing that everyone was busy with their morning. Well practically the boys ate their food in the living room whilst watching a movie that I knew I wasn't gonna be so interested in.

" Hey baby girl" Niall said, noticing me causing the others to look at me.

" Good morning sweetie, how was your first night here?" Zayn asked me.

" It was splendid, really enjoyed my sleep for the first time" I truthfully told them.

" We're glad you did" Liam smiled.

" I'm quite sure you must be starving...your food's in the kitchen with Harry and Rose" Louis told me. I nodded then started heading off to the kitchen.

" If you're sure you won't eat it all, I'm right here" Niall hollered.

" I don't think I might be reaching out to you" I sassed then went into the kitchen and saw Harry and rose laughing together.

" Hey guys" I greeted then Harry smiled at me while Rose gave me a nervous smile. I wasn't surprised at all. She was always known as the shy, quite girl back in the orphanage.

" H...hi" Rose stuttered. Uhm...okay?

" So how was your first night here?" Harry asked me.

" Pretty much enjoyable to say the least" I smiled then sat next to Rose and immediately, she appeared tensed which was weird.

" Glad you enjoyed your night" Harry smiled at me as he wiped the table with a cloth. " I was thinking that maybe after we could go out to get you guys some stuffs at the mall" He said.

" That'd be cool" I nodded.

" Yeah, it will" rose mumbled. " I have to get prepared then" She said, getting off the stool and leaving the kitchen.

" What's up with her?" I asked Harry.

" I don't know but I hope she's okay" he shrugged.

" Okay then" I said then continued with my breakfast.


Rose POV

" Okay we're here" Harry announced then the three of us got out of the car while Harry wore sunglasses to create a silly camouflage that I knew wasn't gonna work for him.

" Goodie, let's go in" Glenn said with little enthusiasm.

We went into a store filled with so much clothes.

" Okay girls, maybe I'd let you go and pick out the clothes you want while I'll stay here waiting for you too" Harry said then sat on a chair while Glenn and I began to explore the store.

" So what's your niche?" Glenn asked me.

" Uh.. I guess casual" I said without stuttering which was weird.

" Be more specific?" She asked/said.

" I like girly outfits" I mumbled.

" Oh, that's cool...mine's more of a mix up of girly and tomboyish outfits" she chuckled and I just laughed nervously.

We continued to walk around the store, picking out our outfits and while we were at it, I accidentally bumped into someone by a mistake.

" Watch where you go" a girl around my age said rudely to me.

" I'm sorry, it was an accident" I apologized.

" No wonder you were so blind to see me coming, you little blind churchrat" She went on.

" Hey, she said she was sorry okay? What's your problem?" Glenn spoke up.

" And who are you little girl?" The rude girl asked.

" I'm gonna be your worst nightmare if you don't shut up and leave us alone,you little brat" Glenn shot back, causing the girl to gasp.

" You have no rights to talk to me like that"

" Cause your Mr President's daughter? Girl, if you don't leave us alone now you'll be regretting your whole existence in seconds" Glenn said. No wonder she's one of the feared kids in the orphanage.

I watched as the girl scoffed then walked away.

" Idiot" Glenn mumbled.

" You didn't have to do that" I said softly .

" I'm sorry , but I just couldn't help it by watching her insult you" Glenn told me.

" Thanks " I thanked her.

" Anytime...big sis" she said then walked away proudly.

Big sis? I liked the sound of that and I'm sure I am gonna enjoy been called that.

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