twenty six

26 2 35

Rose POV

We've spent about a week in Miami and it had been a wonderful experience for me. We got to meet some fans, the boys had interviews and best of it all, we visited the beach which was one of Miami's beautiful attractions.

Presently, we were on our way back to London and I've got to say that I didn't want to leave cause Miami was such a beautiful place to be in and I enjoyed every moment of my time here.

" I really don't wanna leave " Glenn said.

" Why's that, sugar?" Niall asked her.

" I'm gonna miss here that's why" she replied.

" Awww, don't worry if we have the time ,next time we might come back here" Zayn told her and she calmed down. I couldn't blame her though. It's been such a wonderful time and the people I had met here were very nice to be with. Miami was really beautiful, no lie.

" Let's play a game, shall we?" Louis suggested and everyone agreed.

" What game exactly?" I asked, knowing fully well that Louis can be reckless sometimes and might chose an impossible game.

" I was wondering....two truths and a lie" he stated. Oh thank God.

" Alright, I'm down, let's do this" Liam said and everyone situated themselves on the plane while Louis began the game.

" Alright, here I go, you guys have to figure out the lie"

" We know" Glenn rolled her eyes.

" I have over 100 selfies on my phone, but have never posted any of them on social media, I have never seen The Sound of Music, I once ate an entire large pizza by figure out the lie" he smiled.

" I'm pretty sure the truths would be that, you've never seen the sound of music and you've got 100 selfies and have never posted them on social media..yet, I guess and the lie would be that you once ate an entire pizza by yourself... I mean you can't even finish two slices" Zayn replied immediately.

" I'm sorry to say Zayn, but you're wrong...The lie is that I've never seen sound of music"

" you ate a whole pizza by yourself?" Niall asked in shock.

" Yeah, it happened quite unconsciously when I was watching a football match. I never knew when I finished up a whole box of pizza and it still surprises me to this day." Louis shrugged. " Who's next?" He changed the topic.

" I guess that'll be me" Hailey said. " Alright...uhmm...I was the last of my friends to get a smart phone,I can hold my breath underwater for two minutes,I know how to juggle and permit me to say but Glenn and Rose aren't allowed to reply to me" she said, immediately.

" Aw, man" I whined.

" You guys know me" she laughed. " Let's leave it to the boys" She said.

" Okay...okay, I guess the lie would be that you were the last of your friends to get a smart phone" Harry said.

" That's correct"

" Wait a know how to juggle?" Harry asked, wide eyed.

" Yep, why?" Haley asked.

" Oh my God, I can juggle too" he beamed.

" No way!" Hailey expressed.

" Yes way!" Harry nodded cheekily. I facepalmed as the two continued to act like kids. Such a couple.

" Guys?" Zayn said, bringing Harry's and Hailey's attention to us. " Can we continue?"

" Sure" Harry blushed. Okay?

We took turns playing until it finally reached Glenn's turn.

" English is my family’s second language, I’ve eaten a bug before and  
 I know how to knit a scarf....figure out the lie" Glenn said.

" I'm pretty sure the lie is that English is your family's second language" Niall said.

" friend is really so wrong...I'm actually a Latina that have lived in the UK for a long time and have always had the British accent" She told us.

" No wonder, you're such a tough one" Louis nodded slowly.

" Proud to be one" Glenn smiled victoriously.

" Your turn, Rose" Harry told me.

" Okay...uh...let me see... ahhh, yes....I can swim 50 meters underwater, I have a birthmark in the shape of an animal, I can do the figure out the lie" I said.

" You have a birthmark in the shape of an animal would be the lie, cause hello?" Liam said.

" Actually, it's the fact that I can swim 50 meters underwater...I can't even swim" I stated.

" Same sis same" Zayn nodded in understanding.

" About my birthmark, here...." I pulled my shirt up and showed them my birthmark that looked just like a cat's face right at the side of my stomach."

" Geez, that's a unique one" Glenn said.

" I've never seen anything like it before" Harry added.

" And wait, you can moonwalk?" Niall asked and I nodded.

" Care to show us?" Liam suggested. I sighed then got up and did a little moonwalk.

" That was cool" Hailey said.

" Thanks " I replied then sat back down.

We talked for a while until everyone decided to go into Dreamland while we waited patiently to get back to London.

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