Chapter 8: Let's Not Overanalyze!

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"So?" I looked up from my phone. Wow, this must look entertaining.

"I am meeting him."
"Our boss?" She said with a shit-eating smile. That does have an interesting, creepy ring to it. What the fuck did I just get myself into? Does this qualify as self-sabotage or the kind of selfish, that books you a one-way ticket to hell? I wouldn't have to work a day in my life, but in simple terms, I am considering marrying a man for money, my money, but still, money. Though, this is the only situation in which I might consider marriage.

I reached out for Navya's phone, scrolling through his Instagram – either I can ruin my twenty's or work forever and still never see this money. Isn't divorce a simple answer?

Though, why is he doing this?

"Yes" I said, tired. I am going to stop thinking and just meet him before I die overthinking. I dropped my head into the palms of my hand, this is irritating me already and it hasn't even started.
"An awfully long pause." Ha, humour is funny, misery is funnier.

"See, what's the point of overthinking? At least figure him out, we already know of his ego." She said with a chuckle. Fair.

"It is a life-altering offer, anyone would consider it! You are not any more of a gold digger than he is. Eat your lunch, complete your work and find a dress."

"It is not like your dates."
"It is a battleground; you need armour, get some and don't stutter throughout this. Don't worry too much, you are good at arguments." I wasn't expecting that! Kindness and understanding, Navya really wanted to play the nice senior today.

Looking at the shock on my face," I will bother you tomorrow, survive today first." I must look really horrible right now, this is way too suspicious and nice. "Stop sus-ing me out"

I smiled, "Thank you! I am all over the place today." Am I tearing up – I swear the corporates overwork you so much?

"Of course, your first date!!" And here we go, it was getting too wholesome in here anyway.

"No," I said seriously. "But I should probably clean up some, how harsh should I let the judgements be?" I said with a giggle.

"Somewhat, yes. He is still the boss man." Fuck my life, even after winning the lottery.

With my hair in a quick ponytail, I had splashed water to bring my life back to my awake-till-3am eyes and clad in a white floral print dress, from a local mall, which I called my brunch dress, I drove to Fortitude. After the recent makeover of getting a haircut and threading after two months, I had already made quite an effort into this time sunk. But then my nerves had decided for me to spend five hours obsessing over everything from morals and ethics to accidents and delays till 3 a.m. and now, I was actually late.

"Hi" I said as a took a seat in front of Manik. I have already made this entire thing complicated by being 15 minutes late. I am not being petty, I swear.

"Hey Nandini," he said with odd enthusiasm. I hate this already.

"Sorry for being this late!" I said, deciding to skip the 'blaming the traffic' part. Breathe! I reached out for the glass of water and sipped some. Not a gold-digger. Not a money-hungry, greedy witch. Not a perverted psychopath. Just a girl who got lucked into money, trying to figure out how this works. I looked up and gave him a small smile.

"I hope you have settled," he said with a sweet smile. I see.

"I know this must be a difficult time for you right now, with so much sprung on you. How are you these days?

"I understand you weren't that close with your grandma, but this is a lot to take in." A polite smile. So, this is how it is going to go.

"Grief and secrets are always an interesting mix." I laughed dryly. His eyes became curious and smile, confident. Shit, I fucked up the first one. Did I just reveal too much? I need lessons in diplomacy.

"Overwhelmed? I understand that." He said with the kindest eyes.

"What did they spring on you? Family Secrets?" This 'business casuals on Sunday wearing' ass. I met him three minutes back. There is only one way to justify this pace – the classic fuck boy, or I have read too much into it.

"Nothing too unusual. Sometimes grief can make things harder to process." I looked up at him. Covered up? Did I salvage it? His eyes became more curious but in confusion. Okay, so this is how this is played.

"Well, it was interesting to find you working at the same company. I wouldn't have ever guessed, why us?" He said leaning back. It is a weird coincidence.

"Mimx, it is in the top four for me!" I said smiling, I know he is going to lead it to the first meeting.

"I met your colleagues a few days back, a very motivated team." And just when I will think he is going to bring up the bad, he will comfort my embarrassing smile by admitting arbitrary guilt. "I totally messed up that meeting, I completely forgot to inform them about the lobbying deal we were pushing. I hope it wasn't too hard on your side."

And a joke. "Though, the Mimx team has the right to start a hate group against me." I got you, Manik.

"I am planning to chair it." I twittered. "I hope you and your team at the 'big office' still have hope left for us. We will be back with something better!" I exclaimed with a confident smile. Let me make this about you and your life.

"Ma'am, the menu" We made our orders. Manik was swift, charming and witty with the ordering, and it seemed natural to him. I am definitely missing something in this picture. How skilled can a 23-year-old be?

"I am definitely glad the team felt motivated on your end with the lobbying file. I always make an effort to incentivize thinking. The 'big office' as you call it only plans to get bigger!" Is that a hint of narcissism?

"How is your day going?" I ask in search of a better topic.

"Decent, I had a lovely morning and now, a lovely brunch. Work on weekdays and weekends with friends and family – couldn't be sweeter!

"So, what are you doing these days?"

"My day is spent between Mimx, studying, all the funeral things and the elephant in the room we keep ignoring." He chuckled. "Let's talk, I just didn't know what and how to start with it." He said cluelessly with a hint of sincerity.

Or wait, am I reading all of this wrong? Am I just being judgmental?

"Let's tally stories" I suggested.

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