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Rain Splatter's POV~

"Sun Shimmer look!" I said. I held a perfect map of the territory for 5 leagues around in my jaw. I had even made it so that I could hold it and not have to hold the actual bark, so that I wouldn't ruin the map.
"Rainy, we don't have time for this! We have to be prepared for the enemy raid!" He said.
"But I thought this could help..." I replied, my spirit weakened.
"Fine, let me see it..." He said.
"Ok, thanks Sun Shimmer, you are always so nice to me!" I said as I put the map at his feet. He studied it carefully.
"Hmmmm... This would be helpful if we ever had to raid the enemy. But first we have to defend, so it isn't totally useless," he said after a long scrutiny of the map.
"Ok! Thanks!"
"Yah whatever."
"See you later!" I said as I padded away merrily.

I didn't really know what to do, so I decided to go ask the tribe leader's son, Mayan. I found him with a group of warriors, evidently planning the defense. I went over to ask Mayan my question. "... you will guard that side of the camp, and Flower Flash, you be ready if any cat needs medicine..." Mayan said. Then he noticed me. "Oh... It's you..." He said. Was that a look of disgust I saw? Probably not...
"Yah. I was just wondering what I could do to help you," I replied.
"Oh... Of course... Go help clear away the weeds from the center of the camp, those have been horrible on the whole tribe's paws," he said.
"Ok!" I said as I padded happily to the center of the camp.

A group of fighters in training were clearing the weeds, along with a few elders. I noticed that this must be not very important, but I didn't complain, I just set off to work. We had cleared away most of the weeds by sunset, but there was one huge weed that no one could seem to get out of the ground. I tried and tried, but I didn't give up. On about the 5th try, I got the weed out, but not as I had hoped it would come out. I had pulled and pulled, and when it finally did come out, it made me fall back. I fell back and into the middle of a group planning strategy, destroying their dirt map. I got up, apologized, slowly back away, where I hit the base of the watchtower, knocking the current watcher off. I turned and said sorry, but the cats were mad. To make it worse, the person who was leading the strategy meeting was the tribe leader, Night Shadow. He stalked over to me, eyes blazing with rage. "Rain Splatter, this is not the first time you have done something like this. I don't know what to do with you. I really want to give you a chance, but something like this ALWAYS happens," he said. I thought about all the other times I had messed up. Once with Flower Flash trying to gather herbs- that time I disturbed a fox. Once with Mayan- I got stuck in a rabbit's hole and I had made some bees sting both Mayan and me. Once with Sum Shimmer- I cause a miniature avalanche that I had to be dug out of. And the list goes on and on. Night Shadow interrupted my thoughts.
"You have made quite a few mistakes, and I am sorry, but with war on the horizon, we can't afford things like this."
"W-what do you mean?" I asked, shaking as I knew what he was going to say.
"I mean that... That from here on, Rain Splatter, you are banned from our territory, and if you wish to redeem yourself, you will have to do something to show your importance. I have waited too long to do this. I am sorry Rain Splatter, but it must happen. Flower Flash will lead you to the edge of our territory."

I couldn't help it, I cried. My usually happy face was now a face that portrayed nothing but sadness and regret. "Please don't do this..." I pleaded, but Night Shadow just looked at me, not effected by my sadness. "I just wanted to he-"
"Go Rain Splatter. NOW."
I hung my head and let my tail droop. Flower flash came to me, with all of my stuff in a little sack. I also saw she had given me some herbs for if I got hurt. At least someone cares about me. I followed Flower Flash out of the camp. I heard a cat mutter behind me. "I actually kind of feel sorry for her..." Another cat, sounding like Mayan muttered to the other cat, "It is better for us all that she left." I let the tears pour from my face as the camp faded into the night.

Everest's POV~

I brought in from the hunt two large mice and a fat rabbit. I hoped the leader, Mountain Breeze, would be proud. Sure enough, he came over and congratulated me personally on the catch. I went over to the pile of food with a bounce to my step, and put the catch on the pile. I felt very proud. It wasn't very often you found food like that in the mountains.

"Hey, Everest, come over here! We are having our strategy meeting," a voice said. I turned around to see our second in command beckoning for me to join the strategy meeting. I was so exited. I proved myself good enough to fight with the best! I bounded over and say next to Fern Fur. She was very nice, and she was our medicine cat. She noticed how excited I was, and smiled a little. She had always supported my effort to be one of the best in the tribe, even if I was a girl.

The meeting was long, but I listened to every bit of the attack strategies and defense strategies. I put in my suggestions at proper intervals, and some of my ideas were used. After the meeting though, I was eager to move my paws again. I got up and went out to take a walk in the forest.

I walked about in the forest, listening to the creatures go about their daily lives. I always liked to see the bees go from flower to flower. I walked for a while, until I reached the little pond my brother and I used to go to. Unfortunately he never had time to go with me now, because he was the lead strategist of our tribe. I pawed at the fish in the small body of water, and they darted away from me. I didn't care though, I didn't want to catch them. They were way too tiny. I splashed a bit in the water and then chased butterflies in the long grass next to the pond. Here is where I felt free, here I didn't have to worry about what the other cats thought of me. This place was mine alone.

Eventually I had to go back to the camp, because it was well past sunset. I slipped into my bed of moss quietly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Sea Wings' POV~
Sea Wing's POV is with Silentstory132

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