Chapter Four: Dreams Fade Slowly

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Everest's POV~

The voice. It told me exactly where to go in a rhyme I could remember. I wonder how... I wasn't going to question it, and got up to go on my journey. I went to my left, and after a few hours, I reached a river. There was a large oak that had fallen to act as a bridge. I looked around cautiously as I remembered the warning the rainbow cat had given me. It was misty, and I couldn't see much. Wait, rainbow cat? I guess I must have remembered that dream- or whatever it was.

I heard a rustling behind me. I whirled around to see a black cat with piercing yellow eyes. "Hello....." The cat said.
"Um hi." I replied. There was something about this cat that I didn't like.
"Why are you here?" The cat asked me.
"I was just going to cross the bridge." I replied.
"You must pay to cross the bridge." The cat said, creeping out of the mist.
"Pay to cross a bridge? That is ridiculous! I have nothing to give anyway." I said.
The cat crept closer. "You have to have something." They said. "Everyone has something." The cat said.
"I wouldn't give you anything even if I did have something." I said. I padded. over to the bridge. It started to crumble even before I set paw on it.
"You pay us to cross." The cat said. Out of the mist, two more cats came. One was white, and one was grey.
"What do you want?" I asked, turning around.
"We want the chain around your neck." The cats said together.
"Why?" I asked. This chain was one I had found with my dad next to a pond when I was little. I didn't want to give it up.
"Don't ask questions." The cats said. "Hand it over."
I looked at them, and I knew I shouldn't trust them. I turned and jumped into the water. It was shockingly cold, but I managed to keep my head above water as I swam to the opposite shore. I heard the cats yowl in anger as I swam to the other side. When I got across, I turned around, and the cats were gone. I shook my head in confusion, but continued to go the way the rainbow cat had told me to.

Rain Splatter's POV~
I woke to find a little pouch of berries and a rabbit. Sea Wing must have left these for me. I would hate to see him go, for I had grown fond of another cat's company, but I knew he longed for his home just as I longed for mine. He was resting now, and I knew when he woke up I would have to let him go. I started making a pouch of strengthening herbs. He would need to take these so his wings could stay healthy for the few weeks they would need to get accustomed to heavy use.

I looked at the berries Sea Wing had given me. They were beautiful colors, and I would enjoy using them to paint. As I thought of painting, my gaze flew over to the painting I had been making of Sea Wing. I would keep that as a memory of him. I realized just how much I would miss him when he woke up. I heard him stirring, and I turned around. He was sitting up.

"Today is the day..." I told Sea Wing.
"I can go home? Really?" He asked happily.
I gulped. "Yes." I said. I turned back to my work so he couldn't see the sad look on my face.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"No. I just have to be sure I get everything you will need." I said.
"Oh ok." He said.

I finished packing everything, but I felt like I should give him something. I looked around the cave quickly to see a little painting I had made of a mountain with a pool of water at the base of it. I made sure he wasn't watching, and I rolled it up carefully. I stuck it in with the pack of herbs.

I smiled a little, and then sighed. I turned around and looked at him, putting on a cheerful face. "I have a pack of herbs that you should take with you back home. Now, you best be off before it gets too dark." I said. I waited for him to get up, and then I led him to the mouth of the cave. "I hate goodbyes." I said. "But you need to go home. I will see you again in a fifth of a moon. Hopefully." I said. He looked at me.
"You remind me of someone I knew once." He said before turning and picking up the small package of herbs. I watched as he trudged away, slowly fading to nothing in the darkness of the trees. I sighed and bowed my head. I turned and walked back into the cave. I walked to the corner, and uncovered the painting of Sea Wing. I picked up my brush and started to paint.

To Be Continued-------

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