Chapter Three: Thinking

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Everest's POV~

I decided I would try to get to the top of the mountain so I could see where I should go to get to the Swamp Cat territory. I am on the way up, when I think I hear something in the trees around me. Nothing makes a move, so I continue walking, constantly checking over my shoulder to see if anything is there. Nothing ever is, or seems to be. I eventually stop walking. I just can't take it anymore! I need to see what is out there. I start to walk toward the last place I heard whatever it is, but then I hear something behind me. I whip around, only to be face to face with three wolves. "Hello, little kitty!" The lead wolf says, smiling broadly. Every cat knows you aren't supposed to go anywhere near wolves, because they usually kill you.

"Mouse dung!" I say. I turn and run to to the forest, as fast as I can. I run around trees and duck under branches, but the wolves are still steadily gaining on me. I have to think of something, and fast. I keep running as a plan forms in my head. I keep running until I get to a towering wall of rock in front of me. The lead wolf stops in front of me. He clearly enjoyed the chase. "You are one fast cat, but this is where it ends." He snarls, showing his teeth. He gets ready to jump at me. 'One' I think. He is watching me, waiting to strike. 'Two' I think as he prepares to spring. "Three!" I say aloud as he jumps toward me.

I jump straight up into the air. The lead wolf hits the rock that was behind me with a 'thud', and falls unconscious. I land on one of the other wolves' backs, and bite down on its throat. It yelps in pain, and tries to shake me off, but that only makes the wound worse. I finally let go and bite the last remaining wolf's back leg. It tries to grab at me with its sharp teeth, but I scratch its muzzle with a fast paw. I then let go and run as fast as I can. The two not unconscious wolves start to follow me, but that can't go to far because of their injuries. I run until I am a very far way away, and then sit down.

I have made it out of there alive, but now where am I, and where do I go? Then I heard a cat's voice, soft like a whisper, but still there.

Rain Splatter's POV~
I am working on my painting of Sea Wing sleeping, when I hear him stir. I quickly cover the painting with some leaves and go over to where I left a plump mouse to be stuffed with a special herb blend I made to strengthen Sea Wing. I have it set out in front of him, along with a water filled piece of bark. He wakes up fully and sits up in his bed. I smile brightly at Sea Wing, and push the bark towards him. I then proceeded to stuff the mouse with my herb mixture. While I was stuffing the mouse, I told Sea Wing stories about where I had been and what I had done. I didn't care if he believed them or not, but I knew they were true. I told him about the bear I had met once, and how I helped drive him out of a tribe's territory with my very own plan(a very good one if I do say so myself). I also told him about the tribes I had visited. I kept wondering how those poor cats were doing. I couldn't bear to think of one of them being dead. I shook my head to clear it if those thoughts, and kept talking. I could tell he wasn't listening.

After a while, I finished, and pushed the mouse towards Sea Wing. Then I realized how tired I was. I had stayed up all last night guarding the cave and painting. I yawned. "I am going to go rest, I was up all night stuffing the mouse." I lied. I padded over the nest I had set up for myself, and fell asleep.
~{Dream World}~
I was running from something, but I couldn't tell what it was. Suddenly, the forest around me melted away, and was replaced by a mountain tribe camp-one of the ones I had visited, actually. I saw a fight going on, and the Leader being killed. I saw a cat I recognized as the Second of the tribe run over to the body, crying. I frowned. 'Why am I seeing this?' I thought glumly. Then time skipped and I was sitting in the morning light, watching as the Second was leaving the camp, the other tribe's Leader and Second watching her leave. I heard the Second who was leaving say something about finding... Me? Suddenly I was back to the scene where I was running from something, but this time it wasn't me, it was the Second. I wished I could help, but it was just a vision. Eventually, the Second found a way to outsmart the wolves, but I could tell she was lost, because she sat down and frowned sadly. I was surprised to find I could walk, and I went over to the cat. I knew exactly where we were. In fact, I had encountered the same wolves on my way to the Swamp cat land. I padded up to the cat. I realized by now I could most likely talk. I knew exactly where she needed to go.
"Go a distant way to your left,
until you reach the river.
Cross the bridge, watch for theft,
for the cats here are not givers.
Walk straight across the land,
Until you see sand.
Then you have reached the edge
Of the great Stormhand ledge.
Go to your right a 30 good paces.
There you will find my resting places." I said, surprised at myself for making a decent poem for once. Then my surroundings started to fade, and melted away into blackness.

To be continued------

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