Chapter 7

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I manage to get to school, erasing any sign that I have been crying and manage to get to form. At break, Hoseok and Namjoon notice that I look upset and keep asking me what's wrong but I don't tell them. Lunch rolls around and they notice I don't have any lunch money.

"Again?" Namjoon looks like it's unimaginable. He's proably never got bullied in his life, never mind got money stolen off him and as much as I feel he's my best friend I don't think he'd understand.

"I guess I've got to keep my money somewhere safer" I reply, cautious not to give anything away.

"This is the 5th time in the last two weeks" Hoseok says, "something is up, tell us!"

"I wish it was some magical super villian who likes lunch money but I just keep losing it" I force a laugh and I think it worked as they stopped asking questions after. Instead, Namjoon (who wouldn't take no for an answer) gave me his lunch moneyso I bought a jacket potato with cheese. I felt guilty but Namjoon was the sort of guy that once he made a decison there was no convincing him afterwards.

"Anyway," Hoseok spoke "the studdy buddy sheet is going up today, we better go check it out"

Sheet?" I ask, confused.

"In your form room, there's a sheet up which has your study buddy on it"

"So they're doing it with forms this year" Namjoon states "I hate everyone in my form so..."

"What?" Hoseok interrupts him "I'm in your form!"

"You didn't realize I hate you?" Namjoon laughs "Well, you don't realize a lot of things"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hoseok retorts

As they continue with their banter, I feel a pair of eyes on the back of my head. I turn around and see a devestatingly handsome guy staring right at me. He looks unusual, almost unhuman and I am takenaback. Why would such a beautiful guy be staring at me? I rememeber what Jimin said about me looking like shrek and I shrug the thought out of my head. I turn back around and look at the other two who are now looking at me.

"What?" I say.

"Got a crush on someone" Namjoon laughs again.

For some reason, I instantly think of Jungkook but brush the thought out my head "No, just some guy was staring at me that's all"

"And you were staring at the guy that was staring at you" Namjoon says "Anyway, let's go see who our study buddy is right Hobi one kenoboi"

"I told you not to call me that" he exclaimed,

Hoseok and Namjoon went off to their form and said their goodbyes. I promised to meet them at the statue so I could tell them who I got and they could tell me who they got. I step into my form and my eyes dart around the room. I don't really have any friends in form but they are all pretty nice so I wouldn't mind who I was paired with. I look at the list and beside my name there's a boys name. "Kim Taehyung" I say out loud.

"Yes?" a beautiful voice answers and I turn around and see the devastatinly beautiful guy from the hall.

Oh god, this was going to be a long year.

Bts Dating Game- School editionWhere stories live. Discover now