S-3 - E-5- Turning and Turning

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After we arrived at the hospital I watched as Monroe walked over to her father and he just held her in his arms

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After we arrived at the hospital I watched as Monroe walked over to her father and he just held her in his arms. If you were to look at Hap with Monroe right now you would not think he is this mean killer. No you would see a father that loves his daughter with all he has. I see Monroe's eyes start to get heavy. I chuckle as I walk over to them and pick her up.

"I'll have Kozik swing by with the truck and drop it off so you can get back here." Hap says as I nod my head at him. I knew he wanted to go with her and make sure she was safe.

"Thanks! That would be great!" I say as he nods his head before kissing Monroe's forehead.

"Just get her home safe and have Kozik stay with her. I don't want her to be alone right now!" Hap says as I nod my head at him. I don't want her alone either, not with everything going on.

When we arrived at the house Monroe was still fast asleep. I smiled as I picked her up and carried her into the house. Kozik opened the door for me. I placed her in our bed. Removing her shoes before I kissed her head then her belly. Tell the three of them that I loved them and that I would be home soon. I kissed Monroe one more time before I headed back to the hospital.

I sat in my mother's hospital room with my brother and step-father. After a few hours I needed to get out of the room. I went outside just needing some air. Hap joined me after a few minutes. "I need to ask you something!" I say as Hap just stares me down. After a minute he nods his head at me.

"I know you said you wanted me to wait until me and Monroe were together for a year... But with everything that has happened and her being pregnant I don't want to wait to make her my wife." I say as he just stares at me. "And I know what you are going to say." I say as he just grunts at me.

"Do you, now?" He says as I smile. "Cause I am sure you don't." He says as he shakes his head at me. "Cause I have been waiting for you to say something." He says as I laugh. Of course he has. "You know Monroe is everything to me! My princess, my little Reaper. She is the reason I wake up and do what I do. But I also know that she loves you and you love her." He says as I nod my head.

"I do! She is everything to me. When we went up to Tacoma to help and Jax, Juice and I got sent into that club she was the only one I saw. She wasn't dancing, she was on her phone texting someone. Which now I am guessing was you!" I say as Hap nods his head at me. "I never believed in love at first sight, until I saw her!" I say as Hap smiles at me.

"Then you have my blessing to marry my baby girl!" He says as I smile. He pulls me into a hug.

"Mas... Gemma is awake and wants to talk to you!" Chibs yells from the doors of the hospital. I sigh as I head back into the hospital. I am happy that my mother is ok but I am still mad at her for putting Monroe and our twins in danger. She is about to find out what really happened after she left Monroe with Tara.

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