S-4 - E-1 part one- Out🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I woke up to Monroe Talking to the twin

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I woke up to Monroe Talking to the twin. I smiled as she brought Amara into our room. Knox walked right behind her. "How are Daddy's Outlaw and Princess? This fine morning?" I ask as Monroe helps Knox get onto the bed. The Twin cuddled up to me. "And where is Mommy going?" I ask as Monroe moves to head out the door. She stops and smiles at me. I loved seeing her in my shirts.

"I have a lot to do this morning. I need to get breakfast started." She says, making me pout at her.

"But Morning cuddles." I say as Amara and Knox start to whine. Monroe glares at me.

"Mas... Fine." She says as she walks over and claims on to the bed. I moved Amara next to her brother so my women could be next to me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her.

"I am sorry, I know you have a lot to do for the guys coming home and the wedding. But you know I don't like waking up alone. You know I need that kiss in the morning." I say as she sighs. "Now more than ever. With Clay getting out, who knows when I will be home, or how much alone time we will be able to get." I say, making her sigh and nod her head.

"I am sorry I am just stressed. There is so much to do today and I am overwhelmed." She says as she kisses me. I moan into her mouth as I pull her closer to me. I grind against her, making her moan. "Mas... The twins." She giggles as she tries to wiggle away from me. I smile as I start to tickle her. Making Amara and Knox giggle as their mother screams. After a few minutes I pulled her back against me.

"Later you will be screaming in a whole different way." I say as she smiles that fucking bratty smile at me. "Be a good girl today and daddy will love you. Be a bad girl and daddy will fuck you." I say as Monroe rolls over in my arms.

"I love being your bad girl! Every once and a while." She whispers into my ear making me growl as I was harder then hard. I push my erection against her. She smiles as She looks at me through her lashes. "I am going to set the twins up in the living room and come back and finish a few things here." She says as she runs her hand up my cock. I nod my head as I kiss her again. She gets out of bed and grabs the twins. As soon as our door was closed my boxers were off. I did not want to waste any time that we would have alone. She walked back in the room making me growl. I got out of bed and yanked my shirt off of her. Before Picking her up and walking us back to the bed.

"Daddy needs his bad girl now!" I say as I place her on the edge of the bed. I smash my lips against hers before slamming into her.

"OH! Shit Mas!" She moans, making me smile as I slam into her over and over. I pulled out and turned her around and pounding back into her, setting a hard and punishing pace.

"Fuck! Monroe..." I moan as she is close to an orgasm. "Fuck, let me put another baby in you!" I say as Monroe slaps my thigh. "What?" I asked as I continued to pound into her. "You really think I am going to be able to pull out of you?" I ask as I slow down. "Baby I don't have a condom on." I say as Monroe looks shocked. But that shock soon turned into her moaning my name as her orgasm took over her body. I growled as I came right behind her.

"FucK!" I growls as I spill into her. I smile as she leans up. "Baby number 3 maybe 4 on the way." I say as Monroe shakes her head at me. "No more condoms... I hate wearing them with you. I get why we were but you aren't breastfeeding anymore." I say as she nods her head at me.

"Then birth control it is." She says, making me huff. "I want a little more time before we have another baby. The twins are only one and if we have another we could have four under two." She says as I nod my head at her.

"Fine birth control and we will wait another year before really trying to have another baby or two." I say as I kiss her. "Now go and make your husband some breakfast." I say as I slap her ass. She smiles at me before hitting my stomach. I groaned as she laughed.

"Don't be an ass.!" She says as she puts on some clothes. I laugh as I kiss her head. 

I was standing with Layla as we waited for the guys

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I was standing with Layla as we waited for the guys. Knox was walking around my feet as I held a sleeping Amara. I heard the bikes as Knox pointed to where they would be coming in. I nodded my head as I saw Clay and Jax. "Papa is here!" I say as Knox smiles and claps. Amara lifted her head. I walked over to where Mason and my father were. Dad smiled at me before walking over to me and the twin. He hugged me and kissed my head before taking Amara and Knox into his arms.

"How are papa's, little outlaw and princess?" He asked as Amara cuddled into him and Knox smirked up at him. "Shit already had that damn Teller smirk." He said as I nodded my head. "But Amara is just like her momma. A little love." He said as he smiled at me.

"I missed you daddy!" I said as he smiled at me.

"I missed you too, baby girl!" He said as he kissed my head again and then the twins. "So what is this I hear about a wedding in a month?" He asked as I glared over at Mason.

"It is nothing big... Just family and the club." I said as my father smiled at me.

"I would have thought you two would have already gotten married." He said with a hint of sadness. I would have been hurt if I was locked up and they got married.

"Not without you Hap." Mason says as he pats my father's back. "Wouldn't have felt right not having you walk her down the aisle." Mason says as my father nods his head at me.

"Good... Cause I would have been pissed if I didn't get to walk my only daughter down the aisle." He says, making me smile at him.

"Let's get a drink!" I say, wanting to stop all the wedding talk. I frown when I see Mel and Amy standing outside the gates. My father turns and looks before he hands over the twins to Mason. I could see the anger in my father's eyes and this anger is different then what the guys have seen. I quickly follow my father as does Kozik.

"Nasty fucking whores!" My father yells as Amy looks terrified and Mel looks hurt.

"Hap please you love me." Mel says as Amy steps behind her mother.

"Fuck no I don't! I loved the fact that I could fuck you without a condom and not have to worry about getting you pregnant." He seethes at her. Mel looked broken.

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