S-3 - E-9- Turas

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was more than annoyed when Mason called me and told me about this little bitch was trying to get in his and Jax pants

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I was more than annoyed when Mason called me and told me about this little bitch was trying to get in his and Jax pants. I wanted to get on the first flight to Belfast and kick her ass. I think Mason sensed that as he tried to talk me down. "Baby calm down. You don't need to worry about me. My dick is in my pants and is staying there. Though I could use a little help from you." He says as I shake my head.

"How can I help you baby?" I ask as I hear him moan. I smile as I know he is used to getting sex from me everyday. And now he has gone 24 hours without it. Hell I was having a hard time and had to take care of myself last night.

"Send me some pictures. I need a little help!" He says as I smile as I know what I am going to send him. I had made it last night just for him if he asked for anything.

"OH I will send something better than some photos." I say as I click on the video and send it to him. "Enjoy! Just remember you get the real thing when you get home. And believe me baby. I will need you!" I say before I hang up on him. I giggle as a few minutes later I get another phone call from Mason.

"Naughty little girl! I will be spanking that pretty little ass when I get home. But I needed to see that baby. You made me very happy. But when I get home I am burying myself inside of you for like a week after watching that. And I thought we threw all that shit out?" He says, making me laugh. He had gotten rid of all my toys but I did keep a few of my favorites as back ups.

"OH! Baby do you miss me!" I ask as I hear him growl. I was sure he was pleasing himself again.

"You know I do! I can't sleep without you in my arms. But I will have to call you later. We are going on a run with the Belfast guys. We are going to meet up with Jimmy." He says as I sigh. "I know baby! As soon as we have Able we will be home and then it is me and you locked in a room." He says as I huff. I hate that I am not there with him. I should have put up more of a fight. But Mas and my dad were against me going.

"Please be safe! We need you whole!" I say as I hear him chuckle.

"Always baby!" He says before hanging up with me. I was not happy that they were going on a run. I had this sick feeling and I couldn't shake it. I was pacing our house when the prospects came to check on me when my uncle couldn't get ahold of me. I opened the door to only see two of them.

"Where's the other one?" I ask as they both just chuckle.

"He decided that this wasn't meant for him. So he left his kutt on the tow truck and booked it some time late in the night." Miles says as I just laugh.

"I knew he wouldn't last. You two on the other hand will do well in the club." I say as they both smile at me. Having an old lady's approval was a big deal for them.

"Kozik said you are in trouble... For what he wouldn't tell us." Phil says, giving me a sad smile.

"Please... The worst he will do is tell me that he is disappointed with me. Or call my grandma and have her yell at me." I say as they both look at me confused. "Kozik is my godfather. He hates seeing me sad. So if he thinks I will cry he will call my grandma and have her yell at me so it's not him making me cry." I say as they both smile at me.

"You are going to mess with him right?" Miles asks as I just smile and nod my head at him.

"Of course, I am!" I said as I grabbed my keys.

I was pissed that all this shit was coming at us left and right

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I was pissed that all this shit was coming at us left and right. I was pissed that this little sweetbutt kept trying to push up on me and my brother. I sat with Hap as she walked over to us. Hap rolled his eyes as he got up and walked over to Chibs and Bobby. I saw a blonde sweetbutt walk up to him and started to talk.

"Hi!" She says as she sits down next to me. I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Hello!" I say, as I look at photos of Monroe on my phone.

"She is pretty!" She says as I smile at the photo of the two of us laying in our bed when we first moved into our house. "That's your girlfriend?" She asks as I just look at her. I was trying to figure out her game. Did she think that one of us would make her our old lady? Take her back to the states or something?

"Yeah! That is my wife." I say as she nods her head at me. "She is about 6 ½ months pregnant with our twins." I say and she looks at me sad. It confused me. Most members have old ladies and kids. Was that what she wanted?

"So I am guessing you don't follow the run rule? Like many of these guys do?" She asks as I start to laugh.

"NO! I don't follow the run rule. For two reasons. One: I would never be able to lie to her and she would kill me. Two: Her father would kill me if I hurt her." I say pointing over to Hap. "That is her father! He is known as Killa. First Unholy one!" I say as she looks a little scared but nods her head at me. "Monroe means more to me than anyone. Her and our twins are the reason I am here. And if your uncle was alive I would have killed him myself. He hurt her and our babies." I say and I hear her sigh.

"I can see that! She is a lucky girl!" She says as she walks away from me. God I hope she finally gets that I won't sleep with her. But I knew I couldn't say the same for my brother. Hap walked back over to me and patted my back.

"I think I finally made it clear that she won't be getting into my pants and that I won't be getting into hers." I say as Hap smiles at me.

"That's good! Monroe would kill you. If she doesn't after you talk to her about what happened today." He says as I groan. I knew she was going to freak and I didn't want that with me and Hap so far away.

"I know... Is it bad that I don't want to call her and tell her that we were almost blown up? God she is going to panic." I ask as Hap shakes his head no at me.

"Look, you know I love my daughter... But with everything that happened with her and the babies. I can't blame her for being worried all the time. She has been through hell and she is scared that she will lose me, lose you and those babies. And I hate to admit it but I am scared she may lose those babies. That would kill her. I want to lock her in a room until they are born but know that we can't hide her from the world. But I also know that my daughter will face whatever is thrown at her as long as we are with her." Hap says as I nod my head.

"So am I! God! I thought I lost them all when that van blew up and then to find her bleeding in Abel's room. I wanted to lock her in a room. I still do but I know she would kick my ass if I even tried. Every day I wake up and thank god that she is still in my arms. That they are still with me." I say as I shake my head not even wanting to think about losing her and our babies.

"Let's go and talk to the others and see what our next step is. I want to get the fuck out of here. This place is nothing but bat shit backwards. I miss home, at least there we know where we stand." Hap says as we both stand and head inside. I knew we needed to find O'Neil. He went missing after we all got back.

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