S-4 - E-9- Kiss

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I smiled as Monroe and Amara played in the water

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I smiled as Monroe and Amara played in the water. Knox was with me as we watched. It was a little weird not wearing my kutt. But in a way I like it. No one looked at me funny or glared at me. No one knew my past, all they saw was a happy family playing at the beach. I laughed when Amara screamed as the water hit her. Monroe smiled as she picked her up.

When they got to me and Knox they were both laughing. "These are my beautiful girls!" I said as Knox clapped and held out his hands out for his mom to pick him up. Monroe smiled and sat down with us. She took Knox on to her lap. Amara came and sat with me. I hissed as she was freezing. Monroe smiled at me. We had only been in Long Beach for a day but I could see the stress be lifted off of Monroe's shoulders. Mine too. Here we didn't need to worry about the club or the cartel. Or what was coming for us next.

Jax, Clay and my mother kept calling but I wouldn't pick up for them. It was only until Chibs called and asked if we were ok. I guess Amelia is taking the boys to Oregan and she is going to keep them there until shit claims down. But I knew better than that. She was taking them there for good. She wasn't going to bring them back and deep down my mother knew that.

After Chibs called, Ma called again. I knew she would be close by when he called me. So I answered her call. "What?" I asked as I picked up her call. I didn't want to but knew if I didn't she would keep calling.

"Mason... You need to come home!" She said as I sighed.

"Why?" I asked as I knew shit was going down but I wasn't leaving my honeymoon for no good reason. So unless someone was hurt and I mean really hurt we weren't coming back. And Hap or Chibs would need to call and tell me.

"It's not safe with you and the kids out there." She said clearly not to worry about Monroe.

"Funny how you say that but don't include my wife. Even though Amelia lied to you. You still are treating Monroe like shit. Like she is the one taking away your son." I say as my mother stays silent. "I am done with you Gemma, You don't need to worry about my family. You are not my mother anymore, if this is how you are going to treat my wife, my old lady and mother to my kids. Hell you will be lucky if you ever see our new baby." I say and I can hear her crying.

"I am sorry. You are right she isn't the one hurting our family, Ameila is." She said as I scoffed at her.

"No Gemma it is you! You are what is tearing our family apart. Not Amelia or Monroe, you. This is all your fault. You think you are alway right that no one else's opinion matters as long as you get your way. And I am done with that. My family and I don't need a person like that in our lives." I said as Monroe looked at me shocked. Gemma didn't say anything so I hung up on her.

"Mason?" Monroe said as I sighed and looked at her.

"It had to be done. Yes she is my mother. Yes I love her, But this is about our family. Look what happened while you were pregnant with the twin. The car exploding was because Gemma didn't tell anyone that she was raped. Carmon killed Sack and took Abel. Hurt you because my mother couldn't listen and take you back to the clubhouse. I will not let you go through all that shit because of her, not with this pregnancy." I said as she looked at me surprised.

"The safety of you and our babies is number one on my list. The club can go to hell if it is the reason for putting my family in danger." I said as she nodded her head at me. I knew what I was doing was right but it still hurt to cut my mother out of my life as well as my family's lives.

I wasn't going to let anyone ruin my honeymoon with my wife and kids. Monroe wanted to take the kids to Disneyland even though they won't remember she still wanted to do something that would be fun and since the twins loved Mickey mouse. She wanted to get pictures with them and all the disney cast.

I smiled as Monroe is like a little kid as well. We walked around and took pictures with all the cast members and took the kids on the little rides we could. Funny how the Haunted Mansion was one of our favorite rides. When Knox saw Jack Skellington I thought he was going to pass out. He was so excited and hugged his leg. Amara attached herself to Sally and it made for the cutest picture. It made it even better because they both had on their 'I'm a little nightmare' shirts on.

We went to Disneyland for our last full day on our honeymoon and it was well worth it. Monroe was right even though they wouldn't remember Monroe and I would and the memories we would have were worth the pain in our feet. I smiled as we drove home. Though I didn't want to leave our peaceful honeymoon. I knew we both needed to get back to our lives.

I shook my head as we pulled into our driveway to see my brother waiting for us. I helped Monroe get the twins out of the car. "Head inside. I'll deal with him." I said before kissing her head. I watched as she walked inside and closed the front door. "What do you want?" I asked as Jax sighed.

"I am heading up to Oregan in the morning. I'm taking Amelia up there and wanted to see if Monroe would go and help her with the boys." He said as I glared at him.

"You're joking right. Amelia lied about Monroe and you really think I would let my old lady go with her and help her with your boys." I yelled as Jax looked down.

"I know it is a lot to ask, seeing as Amelia is the reason shit with Monroe and Ma aren't good and you and Ma aren't good. But this will keep Monroe out of danger." He said as I laughed.

"Monroe, hates Amelia now. Amelia has done nothing to try and fix what she has done and you want my wife to be the bigger person and help her? Hell no! Amelia is lying to you and you don't even care. You are blinded by Knowles' pussy." I said as Jax glared at me. "Get off my property!" I said as I grabbed our bags and took them inside. He really had the nerve to ask us for help getting his bitch out of Charming.

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