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Tishe's pov

My alarm kept ringing to me even though I didn't want to go to school, the concert still affected me even though it's worn off on everyone, I guess I'm still the only one left behind.

I rise to my feet grudgingly and go to prepare for school. I answer all messages on WhatsApp I had that were important and then I move to the kitchen to make breakfast.

My mom kisses me good morning as I grabbed a bowl of Kellogg's cornflakes, the cereal was my favorite but the enjoyment is caught short as my mind wanders to Bolu.

He was acting strangely during the concert, and even after, something was bothering him. He was visibly upset but he wasn't ready to share it with anyone.

I don't know when a heavy sigh escapes my lips, I grab my phone and press the green phone icon called WhatsApp and open his DM.

Me: morning Bolu, bet you're doing fine?

It takes him some time but he hops online and the ticks near my messages turn blue, he types his response,

Bolu: yeah I'm fine, slept well this time around.

I'm about to type my response until a thought washes into my mind, what does he mean by this time around? I want to ask him but I shrug it off, maybe he didn't think it through when he typed it.

Me: that's great, see you at school.

I finish off my cereal and hop onto the road to school, I still can't get my mind off what Bolu said, it was really starting to bother me. It was true that something always spoilt his mood one way or the other, now he isn't getting enough sleep?

There's something up with that boy, he isn't telling anyone about it.

I reach school and the first person that bumps into me is that monkey called AY, well, our monkey.

"Hey shorty, how was the night?" He munches on the blue flavored munch it as he made jest of my height,

"It was fine." I'm not really in the mood to argue with him, Bolu was the only thing on my mind,

"Wetin do you sef?" He blocks my way with his lanky figure and I try to go around him but he doesn't give me a chance, "talk jare!" He stamps his foot like a baby.

"Something is up with Bolu but the guy is not talking." The moment AY senses my dip in emotion, he drops he playful aura,

"I haven't noticed anything from him, but I do know that one moment he's fine then the next he's pissed. Especially when he looks at that his phone." He offers me munch it and I swipe it from him, "have you tried talking to him?" He eats a piece.

"Shey you didn't hear me, I said he's not talking, of course I've tried!" His sudden change in mood made me realize I was too harsh, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." The apology was heartfelt.

"This one that you're shouting at me because of Bolu, I hope there is nothing between the two of you like that." And Ayo is back to his idiotic self again. I have a heavy sigh and walk past him; I didn't want to be late for assembly.

Ayo didn't stop bugging me even during classes but we both agreed to spy on Bolu to figure out what was wrong with him. He was part of the silver six and everyone is considered family.

"Tishe, what are you and Ayo planning? Don't listen to that boy oh!! You know he doesn't haven't sense! Mide warned me and I couldn't help but snicker at her comment,

"You can't say he doesn't have sense Sha, because we know he does." I reply curtly as we walked down the hallway to our next class, her bubbly presence and my quiet one always made a great combo even though we were a sharp contrast.

"I've said my own, until he does something that will make us disown him." She claps her hands like a true Nigerian woman before we stroll into class together.

The class is quick and I'm searching everywhere for Bolu but it's like he disappeared, until I spot his hairstyle from a mile away,

"Bolu!! Bolu! Tife!!" I call out but I'm squished by everyone else and he could barely hear me, I grunt in frustration before a hand swipes me out of the sea of people. It was AY.

"Before they squeeze you to death." I ignore his comment as we follow Bolu, "hurry," he pulls me along faster, turning hallways after hallways just to lose him, "fuck." He curses in frustration, "did the guy just disappear like that? Maybe he's a witch?"

"If he was a witch Bel would've known since," I roll my eyes and we turn to leave with Ayo ahead of me, I hear whispers and I poke my head past a turning.

Bolu was arguing with a girl but I couldn't see her face, she looked really mature though, and she also looked like she was giving him a tough time. She begins to break down out of the blue; she was talking about him being with other girls and not having enough time for her.

Was he cheating on her?

I carry my face away suddenly, they were kissing and I shouldn't be looking at their private moments together. But it was strange, one moment they're shouting like they are a couple about to have a divorce and the next moment, they're kissing like they just got married.

It was so strange how he was able to adapt to such rapt emotional change. I trust AY, he will just look at you and go after he has done his best. Maybe she is what is giving the boy wahala? But if she's the problem then why is he still staying with her.

I leave with all the thoughts rampaging my head, I couldn't help but worry about his mental health as he had been having outbursts frequently. And I had been a victim of one.

I get back home after practice, he barely spoke today, he just did his thing and left. Everyone did their thing and left but I knew he wasn't doing okay.

I flop on my bed exhausted, practice was more of practice and less of fun. I turn and turn, trying to find sleep but sleep was running far away. Until my phone rang,

"What's up?" It was AY, maybe he had news about Bolu, "did you talk to the guy?" I stuff my pillow under my head to give it leverage.

"Guyyy, he said nothing is doing him, that he was just tired, that's all he said." AY was munching on a biscuit as he told me everything Bolu said, he even sent me pics of chats and it did seem Bolu was okay but it was clear to me that he wasn't.

"And do you really believe all he said?" I sit up and rest my back on the bed frame,

"The baba said he's okay, let's just leave it as it is, he is fine and he can handle himself." AY's words still couldn't put me at ease but I had no other choice but to let it go, "go to sleep yahear? Don't think about it too much, goodnight."

"Goodnight." And the line dropped, "what is wrong with you Bolu?" I mutter to myself before calling it a long day.

okay guys

we are kind of back and I will love the reads and votes to start rushing in now thank you.

love yall until when next

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