Chapter 6 | Hospital Leave, The Start Of A Plan

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Previously On Chapter 5 | Who Is Erebus?

Your eyes widen hoping they won't have to do that with Alastor, "we may not know what Alastor went through during his past life," Lucifer explains and continues too "but we have to find a reason behind his shadows doing before it's too late, has he ever told you anything about his past?"

Trying to recall anything about Alastors past that he told you, looking up at Lucifer. "Only a little, he never told me much he planned too but, he said something about his mother...I try to remember but my head hurts a little when I try too" nodding his head "that's a small start,"

Before Lucifer could continue speaking you spoke up again. "But he said something about her that he did that caused him such regret and emotions" After you three try to figure out who Erebus is by Alastors past and what you remember, the three of you agree that Erebus comes from Alastors past. As Lucifer and Lilith leave to let you rest more.

Running through everything you guys discussed and thinking that when Alastor died Erebus manifested as his shadow, but the big main question is. What did Alastor do that involved his mother and Erebus? 




Onto Chapter 6 | Hospital Leave, The Start Of A Plan

After finally waking up after three years, and with the others visit the day you woke up. The doctor's ran more tests to see how well your healing has progressed after the King and Queen left. Eventually after the doctor's finished they released you, that was when (Y/n) was finally able to start heading back to the Hazbin Hotel. But remembering what the doctor told you, was to not use too much of your powers or abilities since he didn't want the risk of straining yourself. So that's exactly what you'll do.

Walking back to the hazbin hotel seeing some demons watching and staring at you with eyes so wide, almost like in fear and in shock. With that and how uncomfortable you felt you began running as quickly as you could, to get back to the hotel. Once making it to the hotel to the front doors putting your head in your left hand rubbing it because of the running it started to pound with pain, opening the door entering the hotel. Everyone stops what they're doing when Damon runs and yells "Momma!!!" smiling at the little buck as he's running bending down to pick him up he hugs you with that hugging him back in return.

"Hey my little are you?" pulling away to look at you smiling wide "good! Uncle Angel and Auntie Charlie were playing hide and seek with me" smiling at his response looking over to the others walking to them, "what no hello?" Angel runs over hugging you which causes Damon to laugh, "why did you not call us and tell us that you left!?" chuckling (Y/n) sets Damon down so he can go play. "Well i figured," walking over to sit on one of the couches. "It would be best to surprise you all and it did" Husk walks over to you, looking down with his usual grumpy tom cat look. But in the end he hugged you patting your back, "glad to see your alright kid, was worried that you weren't gonna wake up"

Hugging him back (Y/n) smiles softly looking at the others who nodded but not that you can blame them. "Well I did..and nothing can change that" Lucifer walks over along with Lilith. "(Y/n) can we speak to you," nodding, getting up and following them to Charlie's office in the hotel. Reaching the office you three enter. Closing the door Lucifer walks to his daughters desk sitting down in the chair to which Lilith sat next to him in a chair and you sat across. "Now. yes this is sudden since you were just released from the hospital. But after Lilith and i left,"


Knowing that Lucifer was gonna have an issue saying what he wanted to say, you spoke up for him, "Alastor did something, didn't he?" nodding his head the king leaned forward resting his arms on the desk. "What did Alastor do Lucifer," giving you a look that told you what Alastor did was bad. "(Y/n), Alastor came close to killing himself because of what Erebus told him," choking on a sob in your throat tears falling Lilith gets up walking over to comfort you "We lost him once we got him to stop before he actually could this was nearly a close call, but we heard what Erebus said to him," looking at the king of hell,

"What did that shadow tell him?" taking his hat off his head. "Said that he saw his mother here, in hell as well as his father, do you know why he would want to do that?" going through anything in your head that could explain it, shaking your head no. "No," pausing before thinking of something he said. "But he told me..before the coma incident that...when he was alive that he done something," looking between the king and queen watching their reactions "that he killed someone very dear to him, and that if he a way to redo it all to not kill them he would...but i don't know who that person could be, since he never dated anyone"

Lucifer pieces together what you said to him, at the hospital, Erebus's response to Alastor and what you're saying now. "What did he tell you about his mother?" confused at the question but responding anyway. "Only that he loved her very dearly, that she taught him things, she was there for him more than his own father, much he told me he hated his own father and the things his father done to his mother" Getting up out of the chair Lucifer claps his hands together. "I know exactly what Erebus told Alastor and why he did what he was going to do."

Lilith gets up as well, including you. "Which means we'll have a plan to find Alastor and draw him out?" nodding his head. "From (Y/n) telling us what Alastor told her, Alastor done something in his past that he regrets very dearly, which means it involves his mother and since his mother is here in hell, means it also involves her death, (Y/n) you're gonna draw him out, your mates." Blushing smiling softly, "time to call out to him"

With a plan in place and with the others gonna help (Y/n), Lucifer and Lilith will be the ones to make sure if everything goes south they'll take care of everything. Walking around Pentagram City since Alastor last attacked there figuring he'll stick around while in your deer form, you begin bellowing out to him, knowing very well he'll have to hear you. Ear flicked back from a noise behind you, turning your head to look seeing a deer demon, but it wasn't your buck. It was someone else. With that taking off running very fast the demon following behind bellowing out again to the radio demon, hiding behind a cement wall from a building.

Heavy static fills the air. Knowing very well who it is. Clashing of antlers is heard an angry huff is heard as well more clashing of antlers is heard a bellow in pain is heard this time sound of running hooves, the static in the air slowly getting less heavy. A soft bellow is heard getting out of your hiding spot peaking out, seeing a familiar black and red deer. Walking up to him slowly coming out of your hiding spot more. Keeping eyes on the Radio Demon as he takes in your appearance hoping it's not a trick,

Once you're close enough you begin to nuzzle him, feeling him tense but slowly he nuzzles back. Both of you change out of your deer forms into your demon forms, instantly hugging one another "it's really you?" nodding, looking at him, placing a hand against his cheek. "It's really me, my dear buck..i'm here..i'm really here" tears fall down his face once he hears you say that knowing that Erebus isn't tricking him anymore.


Next Chapter: Chapter 7 | Alastor's Small Past





(A/n: Well, well, well. wonder who that other deer demon was and why Alastor fought him off ;) but other than that here is the other chapter, hope you all enjoy it and keep coming up with them theories")

Dernière Danse | (Alastor x Deer Demon Reader)Where stories live. Discover now