Chapter 1:Who Are You

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Y/n Scott
Tom Holland
Sam Holland
Harry Holland
Harrison Osterfield
Erik Williams
Cassandra Baker

Tom Holland Londons fiercest mafia and is an important meeting with his brothers Sam and Harry along with his right hand man Harrison. The twins were sitting on a black couch in the room, Harrison was standing like always and Tom was in his usual seat. Tom was angrier then he usually is he and I wouldn't blame him after all he did just lose one of his best men. Josh Smith, Tom's mentor and his best friend or was.
"Harry how are we on finding the girl who was spotted with him yet?" the eldest brother questions
"Not yet no but we have information on who she is. Her name is Y/n Scott."Harry respondes
A bell notification pings on Sam's phone. It was a notification about y/n's whereabouts.
" I know where she is."said Sam
"Where is she then?" asked Harrison.
"She's at a Cafe downtown." said Sam
"Well then what are you waiting for, go get her and bring her to the basement." said Tom
Sam nooded his head and left with Harry.

Y/n's pov
I, as just walking to the nearby Cafe with my best friend Cassandra Baker. We both agreed that we needed a good cup of caffeine in our bodies. The walk wasn't long cause it's like a block away from my office. When we arrived there I got a call from my boyfriend Erik. Erik and I have been together for 5 years now. We met at a party that a friend of mine was hosting and ever since then we have been together. He had called to check up on me and how I was doing, I loved, hen he did stuff like this. Me and Cassandra or as I like to call her Cassie ordered our usual drinks. I ordered a caramel cappuccino and Cassie ordered a mocha frappuccino. We left the cafe but as soon as we left we got pulled into a dark alley by two men and then they covered our mouths with they're hands and dragged us into a black van and I couldn't remember what happened after that. When I had woken up I was tied up to a chair blind folded and duck tape was on my mouth. As I slowly woke up I could hear two men talking amongst themselves. They were saying something about me I couldn't make out what was it about though because I had just woken up.
"Boys can you explain to me why are there two girls here."
"Well they were both walking together so we couldn't risk getting caught so we took them both."
I could hear footsteps coming towards me. A man took my blind fold and then ripped the duck tape off my mouth. I could see Cassie right across me. The man picked up a knife that was on a table next to me. He put the knife at my neck. And asked a very confusing question.
"Darling I'm going to get straight to the point how do you know Erik Williams"
I was confused as to why and how he knew who my boyfriend was. And why he took me and Cassandra.
"He is my boyfriend and how do you know him?" I questioned with fear in my voice.
"Oh didn't your boyfriend tell you who he truly is." the boy questioned with a smirk on his face.
"Of course I do my boyfriend is the ceo of a renowned company." I said still having that fear in my voice.
"Well your boyfriend is part of one of Londons biggest mafia's."
"And why the hell would I believe you, I don't even know who you are." I said looking him up and down, because who on earth does he think he is to put such an accusation on my boyfriend like that.
"Oh how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Tom Holland.Now I'm going to ask you this one more time how do you know who Erik Williams is."
"He-he's my boyfriend." I said stammering. Tom looked me up and down and moved the knife from my neck and placed back on too the table. He started to untie both me and Cassie. He called out to some guys and two men came in the room. One had dashing blue eyes and the other was tall and had freckles on his face. They took me and Cassandra to a room and locked us in there. I could see the fear in Cassie's eyes she was trying to hold on her tears,but I could see it was futile because tears were already streaming from her face. I pulled her into a tight hug and she started sobbing into my chest. I rubbed her back and kept on say shush it's going to be OK, I promise,but in reality I was just as afraid as her. A couple minutes go bye and the guy with the blue eyes comes back into our room. I push Cassie behind me.
"W-what do you want with us." I question while stammering and sounding fearful after all I was kidnapped and was threatened by a man I don't even know.
"Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you but to come and tell you that dinner was ready.And by the way my name is Harrison."the blue eyed boy says with a warm and comforting smile. I eased myself up and pulled Cassie out in front of me. She gave him a light smile.
" I'm Cassandra but you can call me Cassie. "she said while still having that small smile on her face.
" We'll be right there Harrison." I say.
" Well at least he's nice. We better get going to dinner. "
Tom's pov
Harrison walks in the door and tells me that dinner is ready. I close my laptop and start to head to the dining room. When I get there I see y/n and her friend sitting there. They both looked surprised to see me and I was just as surprised as them, wondering why they were there.
"What are the two of you doing here?" I looked at both of them with a confused look.
"I told them to come here." Said Harrison
"With who's permission?" I answered.
"Maybe we should go." Y/n said being unsure whether or not she and her friend should leave.
"You know what I don't want to fight. I'll just go to back to my office and have my dinner there." I say giving up.

Third person pov
Time goes by and Cassandra and Y/n have started to open up to Harrison. They all start to go to their rooms but Y/n had questions to ask Tom and they needed to be answered.

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