Chapter 3:I've Got You

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Third person pov
Harry, Sam and Y/n were busy laughing getting to know each other better. Unlike Tom Sam and Harry were nice and weren't rude. Time flew by and it was time for dinner. Y/n went to the dining room hoping she would see Cassie because she hadn't seen her the entire day. She got there and didn't see Cassie or Harrison. She started getting worried about what could have happened to her. She went to go and check in the room they both stayed in when they first got here, but she wasn't there and she didn't even have her phone to call her. So she went straight to Tom's office. She opened the door by force and immediately went in.
"What have you done with Cassandra?" she questioned with a strong and angry voice.
"I don't know what your talking about." He said sounding annoyed. He pointed for you to look at something. And you gave him a questionable look. You turned around and realized that a bunch of man were looking at you. You blushed slightly.
"You didn't tell me you were on a meeting." you whispered to him.
"I didn't feel like you needed to know that." He said with a slight smirk on his face. You left the room feeling utterly embarrassed. You went back to the dining room and when you arrived there you saw Cassie and Harrison sitting and eating dinner.
"Where on earth have you been?" You asked with a shocked but concerned look on your face.
"I've been in Haz's room all day." Cassandra replied with a mouth full of food.
"First of all since when did you call Harrison Haz and second of all in his room.?" you said with a smirk on you face.
"Umm yeah I mean me and Haz ar getting to know each other better that's it. 'She said while pushing her hair behind her ear. You let a little chuckel and sat next to Cassie. You said your goodnights and were about to leave when someone grabbed your by the waist.
"Darling you should really learn how to knock." It was Tom.
"You still haven't answered my question when can I go back home?" You said while easing into his arms. But then you quickly turned and your faces were just inches away from each other. You took a step back remembering that you and Erik were still a thing.
" Darling when I say you can leave. And why did you back away?"He asked.
" Did you forget that I still have a boyfriend. "
" No just that I thought you would probably have broke up him by now. "
"Now why would I do that?"
"Well maybe because he's cheating on you."
You felt shatter in to a million pieces when he said that.
"H-how do you know that?"
"Well I'm trying to find him and in one of the fottage I got he was kissing another girl." You were trying to keep yourself from crying and Tom came and gave you a comforting hug and you just couldn't hold it in anymore and started sobbing into Tom's chest. He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead. A few minutes go bye and you let go of the hud and wipe your eyes.
"Thank you for the hug."
"Your welcome and don't get used to the hug."
You playfully hit him on the shoulder and give him one last hug and went to your room. You couldn't sleep properly with all the memories of you and Erik flooding your mind. That night you cried yourself to sleep.
" Erik I'm going to fall. "
You were about to trip when Erik cought you.
"I've got you don't ever forget that"
You smiled at his cheesy line and kissed him. 
"I love you and can we please have marvel marathon tonight." you said while giving him puppy dog eyes.
"How can I say no to those eyes, fine."
You jumped on him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
It was the next morning and your pillow was wet and your eyes were red from all the crying last night. You got of bed and took a nice relaxing bath and brushed your teeth. You put on your favorite f/c(favorite color) jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was sleeveless and strapless, it had pockets and you this with your f/c Nike and the necklace your mom gave you for your sixteenth birthday. Your parents died when turned 18 and you started living with Cassandra and her family. You left your room to go explore more of the mansion, you stumbled across a home theater and a pool so you decided that you and Cassie would go swimming then have a movie marathon. You met up with the twins in the kitchen when you went to get a snack. (And yes you didn't have breakfast).
"Hey." you said
"Hi." replied Harry
"Hi." replied Sam
"How come you guys aren't with Tom right now." You asked out if know where.
"Well we help our brother when we want to but right now we are not in the mood." said Sam
"So you guys aren't busy later right?" you asked. The boys shook their head saying no.
"Well I'm planning on going to the pool and then having a movie marathon with Cassie if I could just find her." You said.
"Sure, why not." said Sam
"She's probably in Harrison room." said Harry.
"And where is that?" you asked.
"Down the hall second room to your left." answered Harry.
"Thanks boys see you guys later." You said and took a bag of salted lays. You skipped your way there when you bumped into someone.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." You look up and see it's Tom.
"Appolgy accepted."
You rolled your eyes and was about to walk away when Tom grabbed your wrist and spun you around so you could face him. Your faces were inches away from each other. You started into his coffee brown eyes.
Tom's pov
What is this girl doing to me I don't want to her around me but when she is I want her closer to me. What's happening with me?
"Darling why are you so happy?"
"Why do you call me 'darling'?" She asked.
"Well then what do you want me to call you?"I said while looking into her beautiful y/c/e eyes."
"My name." she responded without taking her eyes of mine.
"Darling sounds better."
"Well that means I can call you Holland."
"Where did you come up with that name."
"Came to me in a dream."
I let her go and she looked me up and down and then gave me a smirk and left.
Third person pov
Y/n left Tom speechless. She went to Haz's room and just her luck Cassie was there.
"Hey so I was wondering that maybe H.R, Harry, Sam, you and I could go over to the pool then afterwards have a movie marathon."you asked looking at the both of them sitting on the bed.
" Sure why not. "
Cassandra replied.
" And since when am I H.R? " Haz questioned.
" Since now and I got the name from this TV series called the Flash. "you replied. You left there wondering maybe Tom would like to join you guys. So you went to the one place you knew he would be at his office. On your way there you bumped into someone.

Warning:The following includes rape read at own risk.

" OH I'm sorry my bad." you said with a small smile.
"Oh no it was my fault." the man said. He started walking towards you and you were walking back and you stopped when you hit a wall. Your breathing got heavier.
"Umm m-may you p-please move I-I want t-to go s-some where." You said stammering because of the fear in your voice. He put his hands on your waist and held it tightly and sharted kissing your neck. You were screaming for help but it seemed like no one could hear you. He then started to try and unzip your jumpsuit.
Tom's pov
I could hear screaming so I followed where the noise was coming from and I saw Jack kissing Y/n's neck while she was screaming for help. I ran to her and punched across his face knocking him down. I could see y/n she was terrified and crying. Harrison and Cassandra came rushing in. Cassandra immediately ran to y/n and pulled her into a hug.
"What happened mate?" Harrison asked.
"I'll explain later take this asshole to the basement and watch over him I'll be there in just a few minutes."
"OK." And with that Haz took Jack to the basement and me and Cassandra were busy comforting Y/n. When I get my hand on him I'll make sure he pays for what he had done.

Author note:
Hey guys I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit too long for some of you and I don't like to talk about my characters hair because I don't know what type of hair you have or if you even have hair so that's why I don't talk about it.

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