Chapter 7:Our Way

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Tom's pov

The most incredible idea popped into my head. I would make her go to the gym with me. I mean I need the exercise and maybe I could get to know her better. Shit. Why would I want to get know her better. She is just someone who makes feels things that I never felt before and makes my heart skip a beat when I see her smile. Dammit. I can't be, no I just can't be its impossible but maybe I am falling for this girl may-
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Cassandra called my name.
"Where you on the moon." she said with her voice drooling of sarcasm.
"No I wasn't and what I want  Y/n to do for me is to start coming to the gym with me." I said
"That seems pretty easy to me. What time do we start?"she asked sighing I relief.
" We start at 6:00 am till 7:00 am. ".
Her mouth dropeed and she had a look of shock on her face. She looks so cute when she is shock. I mean doesn't she always. Snap out of it.
" I'm sorry but I'd be currently unavailable please try reach me at around 12:00pm. "she said putting on a deeper british accent then she has.
I smirked at her and stood up from my chair and started walking towards her.
" If you don't go to the gym with me then no Starbucks. "I said with that smirk that was on my face.
She looked at Cassandra and Cassandra gave her a look telling her something. I couldn't tell what she was saying but Y/n looked back at me and said that it was a deal. So I took my coat and my car keys to my Rolls Royce and headed to Starbucks. Cassandra sat in the back while Y/n sat on the passenger seat.

Y/n's pov

Ugh now I have to sleep early so that I can wake up at 6:00am in the morning. I mean who even wakes up that. I turned my head facing the window and stared out into the distance. It has felt like an eternity since I saw the empty road. I went to take the aux cable and plug it into my phone when Tom snatched it from me. This boy irritates me.
"My car, my rules." he said.
I pouted and faced my back towards him.
"Fine if you won't allow me to play my music then I'll just sing." I said.
I started singing my favorite y/f/s.(your favorite song).

Tom's pov

Y/n started singing and boy did she sound beautiful. I didn't know she could sing. Her voice was that of an angel's. The way she pretended to have a mic in her hand was cute and Cassandra was recording her with her phone. We arrived at Starbucks and I asked the girls what they wanted.
"I want a Winter soldier drink. And don't worry they know what I'm talking about." Y/n said.
"And Cassandra." I looked back at her.
"I want a Caramel Frappuccino with extra wip cream." she said.
The woman took our oder and we moved forward. I paid for the drink and the girls got their drinks. Y/n's came with a winter soilder cup. Cassandra's drink was a brown gold color with extra wiped cream.
"Can we go get McDonald's. I'm hungry." Y/n asked with puppy dog eyes.
Her puppy dog eyes were so cute. I mean she is cute in general. GET IT TOGETHER MAN!!
"Please, pretty please with a cherry on top." she said giving a pout.
"I didn't know the big scary mafia of London was so sweet." Cassandra said with a grin on her face. Of course I'm not being sweet I'm just pitting them.
"We can go our way." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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