Chapter 5 : Forever

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Y/n's pov

I woke up in the middle of the night and I don't even know why maybe the memories were coming back or maybe I was remembering Erik but whatever it was it woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to go and wash my face. I looked at my wet face in the mirror and tears started falling down my cheeks, I couldn't forget what happened and I had to keep on a smile for Cassandra that's just how I am. I dried my eyes and made it look I wasn't just crying and I took my phone and left the room and went to the kitchen to go get water. I turned my phone flashlight on and went to the kitchen. I was thirsty. My mouth felt like a desert. I got to the kitchen took a glass from the cuborad which was pretty high so I had to to go on my tipy toes to get the glass. When I heard footsteps. I hid under the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife. The footsteps were coming closer and when I heard them stop I jumped out from underneath the counter and stab who or whatever that was in the dark.
"Ouch." said the person. It sounded a lot like Tom. Oh God I hope this isn't him. I turned on the kitchen lights. Oh my God it was him. I rushed towards him.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else." You said while looking at the wound. It wasn't that deep but it was bleeding hard. I grabbed the first aid kit which was under the sink and took out the wound cleaner, a scissor, and bandages.
"I'm so sorry." I applogised while cleaning the wound.
"Maybe we should move to the couch where you can put your leg up and I can clean it properly." he nodded and you headed to the black big comfy couch in the middle of the living room. We sit on the couch and I put his leg on my lap. I looked into Tom's beautiful brown eyes and then looked at the wound. Tom had a serious look on his face.
" So what are you doing up anyway?" I ask trying to start a conversation with him. He just gave me a cold look. So I ask him again.
"What are you doing up anyway Mrs.Holland.?" As I wrapped the wound around his leg. What was this guys promble; one minute he's all flirty the next he's a stone hated monster with no soul. Once I was done wrapping up the wound he took his leg of me and just walked away without even a thank you or good night. Rude.

Tom's pov

I walked away leaving her in that room alone. I didn't want to be near her but at the same time I did. She probably wouldn't even want a guy like me. Who kills people and doesn't even feel any remorse when he does it. I don't know what was happening to me and Haz was busy with Cassandra and the twins were going to probably give me terrible advice, so the only other person I could talk to about this was myself. I headed back to my room and tried to fall asleep as I had a busy day ahead of me but I couldn't get Y/n out of my mind she was all I could think about. Her beautiful eyes, the way she is so strong and tough when she needs to be, her laugh, her smile just everything about here was amazing. And all of a sudden it hit me I was falling in love with her. I mean the signs that I'm giving would say this but maybe I just want her. Not in a romantic way but more of in a 'I want to fuck you' kind of way. It was the morning and I got out of bed and took a shower and changed into a black button up with a black suit. I went to the kitchen to see if I could go make breakfast and guess who I saw there Y/n's best friend Cassandra with who, Y/n herself. They both saw me enter and Cassandra gave me a warm smile and a wave while Y/n just looked at me then her cereal.
"Morning Tom." said Cassandra.
" Morning. "I answered back.
The look of shock on Y/n's face was priceless but I knew how to control my laugh. Y/n finished her cereal then waved Cassandra good bye and left m. I haven't seen Haz since yesterday and we have a meeting to attend too later on.

Y/n's POV

I was so mad at Tom, like who does he think he is. One minute he acts like he cares the next he's a complete asshole. Like did this guy have mood swings or something. I walked to Cassandra's room because there was this certain rumper that I wanted from her. I walked in and saw H.R on top of Cassandra. I closed my eyes and pretended to fake vomit. I opened half of one of my eye and saw that H.R was off Cassandra and I started laughing. Cassandra gave me that 'don't mess with me' look.
"What do you want." Cassandra said while sounding angry. Which by the way amused me.
"A romper." I said with a a small smile on my face while trying to hold iny laughter. H.R looked totally embarrassed,and I kinda felt sorry; I mean I should have waited for a response but how would I know if my best friend was making out with someone. But anyway I took the romper and left the room. Laughing my ass off when I left the room. I took my shower and changed into the romper and left my room to go get myself a snack. I bumped into Tom and didn't even say sorry about it. He pulled my wrist and brought me closer to him. Our chest were close to one another. I could feel his warm breath on my face.
"What do you want." I asked blankly with no emotion whatsoever.
"You didn't apologize darling." he said with a smug smirk on his face.
"I don't need to apologize to you for anything." I said while looking into his dreamy brown eyes. I pushed him to off me when he grabbed my wrist again and pinned me to the wall. He looked at me and then let me go. Honestly what was this guy's problem. I went to go see what I could and I saw Lays but I was craving ice-cream and after what happened yesterday I need it with Starbucks. I haven't had Starbucks for like a week now and that's like my key to survival
'Forever'. The word that is tattooed to my back. It meant that I always had someone with me forever.
I went to Cassandra's and this time I knocked and waited for a response. I heard Cassie say come in and I entered the room.
"Hey can we go to Starbucks?"

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