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Author's note

Welcome to the next arc in this fanfiction. No, it ain't the meklord and Illiaster arc. It's an original arc. I'm calling this one, Reverse of Arcadia. I told you that Sayer and Akiza would get a final battle. And here's the arc for it. So, enjoy the show.

Chapter 14


"Now, Benigyo!", shouted Emily. "Attack him directly!". Benigyo then shot a stream of fire from her hands and attacked some school kid with glasses and frizzy hair.

Student: 1600 - 2600 = 0

The monsters then disappeared.

"Okay, so that makes it, what? 19 victories in a row?", asked Emily smugly. "Who's next?". Before anyone could answer, the bell went.

"Oh, time for class" said Emily. The student's then walked inside and class began.

Later on.

After the final class was finished, Emily went straight home. She flung her bag on her bed and took out her ace monster, Glitter Force Lucky Dragon. "Hard to believe it's been that long since I met Yusei and the others" said Emily. She then took out her deck and looked through the cards she had.

"Ever since my father got that new job", Emily said to herself. "I've been able to buy loads of new cards. Heh, even a few new synchros". She then heard a knock at her bedroom door.

"Come in" said Emily. Her mother then opened the door.

"Emily. Mail for you" said her mother. Emily got off of her bed and took the letter from her mother's hands.

"Who's it from?" Emily asked.

"Open it and see" said her mother. Emily then tore open the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Emily Hoshizora.

Due to your duelling record, you have been selected to take part in Summer Cup.

You will face several duelist from around the world to compete for the title of Summer Cup Champion as well as a collection of premium gold cards.

You must be in Domino Stadium in New Domino City on the 23rd of March. Family members and friends of your choice are given V.I.P access to the stadium and accommodation.

Til then,

Lazar; temporary director of New Domino City.

Emily squealed in excitement.

"I'm going back to New Domino City" she cheered.

"Well that's wonderful", said Her mother. "It's just about two weeks away, so let's get your deck ready".

"To the card shop?" Asked Emily.

"To the card shop" confirmed her mother.

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